The future’s terrifying – if the future’s Tory

camspeech5What does the future have in store for the UK, if the Conservatives win the 2015 election?

It seems sensible to conclude my loose series on the current changes to social security benefits – see here, here, here, here and here – by taking a look at what we know they have planned, and what we can reasonably expect from them. Some of this comes from the document ‘2020 Vision’, which has been produced by a group of Conservative Parliamentarians; some is just pushing current activity to a logical conclusion.

It’s all horrifying. Let’s have a look:

1. Conservative ministers to be above the law. That’s right; they want their future governments to be answerable only to Parliament, not to judges. Apparently they think the possibility of judicial review when they make illegal decisions means that the system is too slow. Of course, being answerable to Parliament means being answerable to nobody because a Conservative majority means Parliament will rubber-stampe anything they do, no matter how hare-brained, harmful or tyrannical.

2. NHS to be fully privatised. Of course this is already well on its way now, with the collusion of the right-wing press in keeping some of the major changes quiet. Just take a look at some of the measures being brought in by Jeremy Hunt, right now, if you don’t believe me.

3. Benefits system to be privatised. There has been some discussion of this on the blog already. The idea is simply to switch the system from being nationwide and run by the state to a patchwork of private insurance, run by private companies, for profit. From what’s being said, the biggest player in this would be Unum, the disgraced American company which is already doing considerable damage in the Netherlands, from what one reader has been telling us.

4. Police to be privatised. This is being piloted in certain parts of the UK already. Of course, with private companies running a police service for profit, only the rich will be able to afford their services. In other words, its a wheeze to ensure the poor lose what little luxuries they currently have and are unable to turn to our law guardians for justice.

5. Regional pay for all employees. This is in order to accelerate the race to the bottom of the pay scale for the people who do the actual work. If pay for the same job varies between UK regions, then employers can happily turn to their workforce at any time and say, “They’re doing it for less over the border, so you can take less as well.” The government tried it with public sector pay but was told to think again. We know some of them want to do it with benefits. It’s only a matter of time before it happens.

6. UK to exit Europe. Not because the EU is anti-democratic, forcing unreasonable demands on the UK, but because its human rights laws are damned inconvenient for a political party that wants to crush anyone who isn’t in the top 10 per cent of earners (I may be exaggerating this; it could be that they’re only interested in the top one per cent).

7. Free movement to be discouraged. They already have plans for a two-tier road tax system.

8. Education to be fragmented so you only get the best if you pay for it. Obviously we’ve always had private education but the starvation of the state system to fund ‘free schools’ is softening the system up for worse to come. Can anyone say they honestly understand Michael Gove’s divisive and wasteful policies?

9. Flat-rate taxes. This is a Conservative dream, because flat-rate taxation – one percentage for everybody – provides an unfair advantage to those who have more money to start with. They recognise that there are people in the UK who understand how unfair it is, so they launch periodical campaigns to point us in the other direction. Hence the current push to get us to believe a 20 per cent rise in JSA, from £59.15 to £71 (a rise of just £11.85), is totally unfair when compared to a 12 per cent rise in average wages, from £420 to £468 (a rise of £48 – more than four times as much). How can it be unfair to keep the level of the former the same, as a proportion of the latter – especially when one considers the rocketing prices of groceries and utilities? Those of use who can remember the Community Charge should also remember that this was also a flat-rate tax. People took to the streets to put an end to it but clearly the Conservatives have not learned the lesson. ‘2020 Vision’ suggests that Income Tax could come down to 20 per cent for everybody. This means someone earning £25,000 a year would have £20,000 left after Income Tax. Someone paying themselves £1 million a year would have £800,000 left afterwards. And we wouldn’t have anything like the public sector services that we have, even today after nearly three years of Coalition rule – that level of taxation cannot sustain that level of spending.

10. Continuation of the high-level national deficit and debt. This is to justify the shrinking of the state. The changes that have been made so far, including those that are to come in this year, are not intended to boost the economy – quite the opposite. If this government wanted to boost the economy it would close tax loopholes (including those that have been created by the current Chancellor) that allow the richest in the UK to avoid paying more than £100 billion every year and ensure that any of them who wish to leave this country as a result pay their fair share before they leave. It would also borrow – yes, borrow; don’t you know that interest rates are fantastically low just now? – in order to invest in British jobs and industry, the new technologies that will power the world in the future. They’re not doing that, for specious reasons, and they know that the poorest in the UK will suffer as a result.

That’s what the UK will look like under a government of Tory tyrants.

No wonder so many Scots want to leave.


  1. The Great Uninspired January 13, 2013 at 12:51 pm - Reply

    Time to leave.

  2. Mike Sivier January 13, 2013 at 12:52 pm - Reply

    I’m absolutely certain that the list in the article is not exhaustive, so I would like to invite readers to post information about any I have left out, here in the Comment section. I’m looking forward to seeing what you send.

  3. Big Bill January 13, 2013 at 1:20 pm - Reply

    The banks run the place, creaming off the profits from everyone else’s endeavours. Nothing’s realistically being done about that. More here Also the country’s being turned into even more of a tax haven by Osborne’s (or rather hs handlers’) policies. Richard Murphy can fill you in about that aspect. Then there’s the City of London, whch flourishes by kind of combining the two. Since that’s the true capital of this country, being a state within a state, its power andprivileges are being enhanced and underlined by its puppet government in the broader world. more here .

  4. Andrew Miles (@Manwithaview1) January 13, 2013 at 2:28 pm - Reply

    The word for state within a state is Oprichnina (Опричнина) and comes from the time of Ivan IV (the awesome – not terrible) 16th Century Russia.

  5. Decky January 13, 2013 at 3:01 pm - Reply

    And how would be any different under Labour? In 1997 they go in and governed as Tories. I hate this government more than anyone but kicking the out would lead to more upper class bastards coming in and doing the same but in red rosettes this time.

    • Mike Sivier January 13, 2013 at 3:11 pm - Reply

      Labour wouldn’t privatise the benefits system, the police or the NHS, for a start – in fact we know they will repeal the Health and Social Care Act which allowed private companies into the NHS, when they are elected back into government.
      Labour would not impose regional pay settlements that set people from one area against those from another. Labour would not introduce two-tier road taxes to keep the commoners off the motorways.
      Labour would invest in the education system, not remove money from it to spend like water on a minister’s personal vanity project.
      Labour would impose a fair taxation system that does not benefit the extremely wealthy over the extremely poor.
      And Labour would invest in jobs and growth, to get the national deficit and national debt down.
      You should check some recent history, Decky. There was a lot that was wrong with New Labour, but they didn’t govern as Tories – if they did, the current government would not be raising so many issues about those 13 years as they are at the moment. Poorer people were, on the whole, better off under Labour and will be again.
      I do believe that a Labour government, returned to power, would actually stand up for aspiring members of society – at all levels – as long as they worked for the good of everybody, not just their own personal enrichment at the expense of others. I think the party’s supporters would demand it of our Parliamentarians.
      You can see the alternative in what I’ve written above. It would be a catastrophe – not just for the poor but for everyone because this government of toffs will overbalance the economy completely and bring about its collapse.
      Surely you can see that?

      • Nat January 13, 2013 at 4:16 pm - Reply

        well said Mike , Labour gave families the chance to bond, to grow and to be educated well. they cut NHS waiting times and upped the amount spent on frontline services.
        they lobbied to tax thouse who could afford it..hence the rig in vote.
        it was rigged so many people turning up to vote in the evening and the polling stations closed!
        how long before we are in such a bad state were reliving 1920s where high end society spits on the lower classes and children are back in work houses? where fox hunting is played with people?

        wish we could remove them now shouldn’t the queen be sorting this out??? she after all is the only person who can say oi out conservatives your damaging MY country and MY citizens!

      • steely9 January 13, 2013 at 4:20 pm - Reply

        What Labour say and what they do may be two different things. There’s certainly a precedent for such a contention.

      • Mike Sivier January 13, 2013 at 6:27 pm - Reply

        There certainly is a precedent for such a contention: “There will be no top-down re-organisation of the NHS”, as said by Mr David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party, before he got into power in 2010 and ordered a top-down re-organisation of the NHS.
        I think critics of Labour need to be very careful what they say.

      • Big Bill January 13, 2013 at 7:42 pm - Reply

        One of the tests for being found ‘fit to work’ is that you have to be unable to walk more than x metres repeatedly in a reasonable time frame. That was amended by the then SofS for DWP so that if people could, in the opinion of the assessor, do the distance in a wheelchair (whether they had one or not, I should point out), they failed and were declared fit to work. So, if you can’t walk from A to B but you’ve got an imaginary wheelchair, magically, you’re fit to work. Who approved that? Yvette Cooper. Labour. People here may have noticed a torrent of anti-disabled ranting in the moronic press, endless stories of fraudsters and how they’re destroying the economy. Who started this? In an article in the Telegraph when he was SofS for the DWP, James Purnell. Labour. Doing away with the benefits system would open up a multibillion pound market for Unum, enabling them to offer rewards far and above anything a conscientious MP might aspire to, and it seems to me pretty obvious MPs from all the major parties, well, they want them a biiig slice of that billionaire pie. Labour are as complicit in this conspiracy against the electorate as the Tories are. In fact, when I look from the pigs to the men, they appear exactly the same.

      • Mike Sivier January 13, 2013 at 8:20 pm - Reply

        Anyone who has read this blog for any length of time will know my opinion about Labour’s part in the demonisation of the sick and disabled; that still doesn’t mean they aren’t a far better choice than the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats or any other party to lead the UK!
        Having said that, I think it would be a good idea for those of us in the blogosphere to write a few articles, pointing out to Labour that we do know what has been going on and that, if they want support to get into power, it must stop.

      • Big Bill January 13, 2013 at 11:17 pm - Reply

        To disassociate himself with it Miliband would have to get rid of Balls because of his association with Cooper, and LIam Byrne because, well, he’s Liam Byrne and his attitudes are well known to be Tory-Lite. Balls is Miliband’s only heavyweight. Miliband would have an empty cabinet if he got rid of everyone associated with the WCA and Workfare – and don’t get me started on Workfare this late at night :-) I think myself the end of central government is upon us. Already councils are openly rebelling. Soon I imagine we’ll be run by a government of all the councils instead of the Commons and the Lords. .

      • Mike Sivier January 13, 2013 at 11:51 pm - Reply

        He wouldn’t have to get rid of anyone; all he’d have to do is get them to dissociate themselves from the policy – say they can see that it did not address the issue in a reasonable way and that they will end it if they get a chance and find another way. And then he’d have to make sure that is what happens.

  6. rainbowwarriorlizzie January 13, 2013 at 7:07 pm - Reply
  7. Silver January 14, 2013 at 8:04 am - Reply

    Labour had its faults,New Labour that is,the Iraq War being one,but the Conservative Imperialists would have done exactly the same regarding Iraq,Duncan Smith was often on TV in support of a war on Iraq.

    And let us not forget,the ConDems war on Libya.Both said to overthrow tyrants,but both wars were about oil.That is why we wanted the Falklands so much.Oil exploration in that area could be bountiful.Plus a War abroad keeps the peasants at home quiet.

    But Labour brought in Pension Credit to alleviate poverty for pensioners,and Tax Credit for the Low Paid.Because employers will not pay decent wages,the benefit bill is high because Landlords charge extortionate rents,in some areas.The housing bubble needs to burst,to make housing,both buying and renting affordable again.

    I will vote Labour,anyone who votes for the Tories who is not well off.Must have delusions of grandeur.Hoping to one day join the Rich.

    Labour,may not be perfect,but apart from a revolution,is the best hope for the poor,especially after the LibDems have proven themselves to be a party of the Rich,by allowing the Tories to dismantle the Welfare State,the NHS and not to forget their Lies on tuition fees.

    • Big Bill January 14, 2013 at 8:29 am - Reply

      In 1971 Nixon closed the gold window. This meant foreigners couldn’t go to a bank in America and exchange their dollars for gold. People weren’t really dong that anyway but that’s the principle behind it. The presumption was that America couldn’t back up its dollars with gold anymore. This left Nixon with a problem, how to make people value the dollar? He devised the petrodollar by saying to OPEC and other oil producing nations that they could do as they pleased under America’s potection so long as they would only sell their oil for dollars. They agreed and this of course meant dollars were much in demand globally. First to break from this (that I know of) was Saddam Hussein, he started selling oil for Euros. This threatened the dollar, obviously, so he had to go. Blair was happy to send our troops in to help and i imagine this has a very great deal indeed to do with him getting millions a year from bankers JP Morgan as a ‘consultant’. Next up was Gaddaffi He started selling oil for self-minted gold dinars. He went too, as you know. The lesson to learn here is you can mistreat your citizens as much as you like and no-one will take any notice but threaten the dollar and suddenly you’ll get invaded by lots of Westerners citing human right violations. Iran has lately been selling oil for, well, I forget what for, something local but the key point is it’s not dollars. Now we’re talking about war with iran. See how it works? Follow the money.

  8. Big Bill January 14, 2013 at 8:32 am - Reply

    If you check Twitter you’ll see I sent you a load of links to do with Unum last night, very late! I have more if you need them but you’ll be absorbed (and horrified) with those I’ve given you for days :-)

    • Mike Sivier January 14, 2013 at 12:01 pm - Reply

      I’ve seen them, Bill! I’ll let you know when I need some more but the current crop might keep me busy for today, at least.
      My first impression about Unum is that its great new method for dealing with claims is to tell sick people that it’s all in their mind!

  9. William Gladys January 14, 2013 at 11:43 am - Reply

    In fact this bleeding awful Tory horde have already overruled Judges, as per the appalling decision of Dominic Grieve the (people’s?????????) Attorney General, when he recently rejected the recommendation of three judges. This relates to one of Britain’s most influential arrogant and unelected party politician Prince Charles of MUK – Monarchy UK. Basically, this Tory vetoed t he judges democratic decision to publish the political lobbying letters of Charles Battenberg. Apart from the letters sent to Ministers, this dreadful “Pwince”, is also engaged in private meetings with ELECTED Ministers.

  10. Silver January 14, 2013 at 11:46 am - Reply

    I agree with a lot you say Big Bill,BTW,Very interesting links,on the banksters.I think we both can agree,Iraq,Libya and eventually Iran,all boil down to money and greed.The war on terror was self made by us in the West.BinLaden only attacked the West post Gulf War,the West supplied Saddam Hussein with weapons when he was at war with Iran.

    We had a peace dividend after the fall of the USSR,so we needed someone else to hate for the Military Industrial Complex to survive,and keep on making high tech weapons.
    So we declared War on Terror,it sounds good,protecting us while fighting abroad.But if the West had stopped its imperialist agenda,most of the new Terrorists would have nothing to fight us for.One man,s terrorist,is another man’s freedom fighter.Hence a lot of paramilitary organisations and people in Northern Ireland getting amnesties.
    We do assassination by drone now,more effective and you remove the Human problem of conscience.

    It will be interesting to see,when the USA starts going to the wall,financially,with all its military might,who it will produce a war with.China seems a good place for new financial investments.I just cannot see the most military,powerful country in the world,rolling over for the next guy.But all this is pure speculation on my part.

  11. Eun January 14, 2013 at 2:46 pm - Reply

    I would not dream of voting for the Labour party – they have lost sight of what they should stand for and are simply ‘Torylite’. I will vote (as I have always voted) for the SNP and hope that Scotland finally gets her independence.

  12. Peter Lockhart January 15, 2013 at 5:57 pm - Reply

    SNP, are every bit as right wing as the Tories, they just say they aren’t and a lot of people have bought into that. In Fife when the SNP took power they set about privatisiing the home care system, they started to pirivatise care homes they introduced charges to disabled people for thier home care. Labour got back into power and have already halted the privatisaion programmes and are going to remove the charges for disabled people care. The trouble with the SNP is they have no core political philosophy. They try and be all things to all people and it really depends where you are. Many of the SNP people I know in Fife oppose me because they see me as left wing. I do know people in the SNP who are left wing however in many areas they are populated by some of the most right wing former Tories, in England they would have joined UKIP.

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