Does the Conservative Government care more about trade than human rights? Yes!
Amnesty International have criticised Britain’s arms trade with Saudi Arabia – which is believed to use the weapons on civilians in Yemen [Image: Getty Images]
The UK is increasingly giving the impression that it cares more about trade and security than human rights with the Government apparently overlooking abuses in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain, MPs have warned.
The Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee said the omission of Egypt and Bahrain from the Foreign Office’s list of countries requiring special attention on human rights helped foster the idea it “has become more hesitant in promoting and defending international human rights openly and robustly”.
Ministers have denied that human rights are no longer a top priority but campaign groups such as Amnesty International have attacked the UK for allowing the sale of British-made arms to Saudi Arabia which have then been used in the Yemen conflict. United Nations officials have said Saudi air strikes could be targeting civilians at hospitals, markets, schools and even at weddings in the country in a direct violation of international law.
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Cameron has turned a blind eye to human rights abuses -for trade purposes- to a number of countries.
This attitude is unacceptable so its worth thinking about why?
could it be he has bearer shares locked away in offshore investments? he is certainly reluctant to discuss his tax affairs and has apparently been lying about issues around them.
perhaps even more damning is that weapons being supplied to Saudi are being passed on ( for profit) to ISIL. if this is true then he will resign and not give access for an investigation into his tax affairs.
I believe all his assets should be frozen to clarify by a publicly funded investigation into possible fraudulent activity.
Yes! They don’t care about us peasant scum, they want us all extinct!