Wallasey legal-action crowdfund launches
![Paul Davies, vice chair of suspended Wallasey CLP, and Angela Eagle - the MP who has accused her own comrades of criminal behaviour [Composite: Liverpool Echo].](https://voxpoliticalonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/160810-Paul-Davies-Angela-Eagle.jpg)
Paul Davies, vice chair of suspended Wallasey CLP, and Angela Eagle – the MP who has accused her own comrades of criminal behaviour [Composite: Liverpool Echo].
A very short update as people are asking daily when the crowdfund link will be available for the Wallasey CLP fighting fund to clear their names and reinstate the CLP without restrictions or ‘special measures’.
An application is underway at the Crowdpac political-crowdfunding site and should be approved [Thursday], at which point the link will go up on this blog and elsewhere.
Please spread the word to prime everyone to give the wrongly-accused members of Wallasey CLP great support.
Source: Wallasey legal-action crowdfund launches tomorrow | The SKWAWKBOX Blog
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