Sadiq Khan shoots himself in foot while trying to backstab Corbyn
![Sadiq Khan: ‘Jeremy has already proved that he is unable to organise an effective team.’ [Image: Alecsandra Raluca Dragoi for the Observer.]](
Sadiq Khan: ‘Jeremy has already proved that he is unable to organise an effective team.’ [Image: Alecsandra Raluca Dragoi for the Observer.]
Mr Khan’s article in the Graun contains no new information – it’s the usual nonsense about Mr Corbyn being unelectable, along with the lies we all know by heart (EU, Article 50, you know the script) – but was a huge miscalculation by the man who only became London Mayor because of Mr Corbyn’s electability.
This Writer is told he only won the nomination because of Mr Corbyn’s support, otherwise Tessa Jowell would have been Labour’s candidate (and Zac Goldsmith would probably be mayor now, instead of Mr Khan.
“I believe that the will of our membership should be respected,” writes Mr Khan in his article. If that is true, then he will be reeling at members’ almost unanimous rejection of him on Twitter, where people were quickest to react.
“Sadiq Khan exploited Corbyn supporters to secure London Mayorship&now he asks people to vote for PR snake Smith? Principles made of tissue,” tweeted Jim Macred.
David White agreed: “Sadiq Khan wouldn’t have been Labour Mayoral candidate if it hadn’t been for votes of Corbyn supporters – Tessa Jowell would have been.”
And someone calling themselves ‘#Murdoch Destruction’ addressed Mr Khan directly: “You made sure you used Corbyn first to get elected. I wasted hours canvassing for you, Vote Thief.”
“This is the man I voted 4 2 show support 4 JC agenda NOT more Blairite Greed & self interest politics . Disgusted,” added Ray Woolford.
Peter Smith suggested: “The sh*tstorm from Corbyn supporters heading Sadiq’s way can be seen from space….” Amazing that Mr Khan himself didn’t see it coming or have the nous to avoid provoking it. Still, that is the ‘Anyone But Corbyn’ way.
A user calling himself simply ‘Steven’ had this to say: “I knew Sadiq Khan would turn on Corbyn sooner or later. He used Corbyn to get votes, to be mayor, then twisted the knife in afterwards.”
To some, Sadiq’s betrayal was not news. Hilda Palmer, for example, “thought Khan was in anti Corbyn group anyway despite all support Corbyn has given him”.
Here’s Sabcat Printing: “Sadiq Khan’s backing won’t help #OwenSmith only damage Sadiq Khan. #Corbyn still wins and everyone knows it. It’s boring now.”
And here’s Parveen Agnihotri: “Sadiq Khan tells Labour to ditch Jeremy Corbyn. Hey Londoners why don’t we ditch Sadiq Khan when his term is up?”
Andy Searson: “Well that’s Sadiq Khan becoming a one term mayor! What these people don’t understand is trust and integrity are essential to win over public.”
The above are just a few tips from a very large iceberg. As I type these words, there have been 15,000 tweets on the subject.
You can bet that – apart from support from fellow MPs like Yvette Cooper, hacks like George Eaton of The New Statesman and celebs like Marcus Brigstocke – the vast majority are coming from some very, very angry and betrayed voters.
I reckon Mr Khan might have to do some very hard work simply to get to the end of the month – let alone the end of his mayoral term.
I have decided to vote for Owen Smith– because Labour party members, and the British people, need Labour to win the next general election.By every available measure, if Jeremy remains as leader, Labour is extremely unlikely to win the next general election. The hopes of the members who have joined our party would be dashed again. Jeremy has already proved that he is unable to organise an effective team, and has failed to win the trust and respect of the British people. We need to be honest and recognise that means it will be more likely that the NHS will come under even greater attack from the Tories. More likely that we will see even deeper Tory cuts. More likely that our industrial heartlands will continue to decline, and that zero-hours contracts and job insecurity will become the norm. Because the Tories will stay in power, and Labour will stay in opposition.
Source: We cannot win with Jeremy … so I will vote for Owen Smith | Opinion | The Guardian
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I’m amazed at how many clairvoyants we seem to have in our midst! All stating as a fact that Jeremy Corbyn can’t win an election; how do they KNOW?!
Mr Khan knows that Mr Corbyn and his supporters certainly CAN win elections – they helped him win his.
They look at polls and discover his ratings are abysmal
Piers Taylor, are you referring to the same polls that showed Labour close the gap and actually pull ahead of the Tories, just BEFORE the PLP resignations? Very short and selective memories, have those who blame Corbyn. Of course Labour have slipped in the polls as a result of the move against Corbyn and the ensuing division.
Melanie; You are wrong if you say you know a horse is going to win a race- even if that horse wins it. Good post Tommy
Polls, and the fact that elections are won in swing seats that are prone to be Tory. Its the electoral maths, no clairvoyants needed!
But even the pollsters admit results are no longer indicative. As for the swing seats – it’s better to propose coherent policies that everyone can support than try to cater for a few wavering Tories and betray the party in the process.
They mean the opposite. They fear he will win because of the evidence so far.
Spot on! Strange too that the right wing and Tories are all saying what a disaster Corbyn is; that he is unelectable etc etc. Perhaps I am being rather cynical but one might think that if this were true they would be only too happy for him to confirmed as leader?!
They are all saying it because weak minded people “you know, sun readers” will believe the lies! We know it BS but there are a lot of idiots out there!
That could be there next Job. But there again people can spot fakes.
I had misgiving about him from the very start; he took advantage of Corbyn and Corbyn’s supporters to get himself elected. It is typical of his type and the old adage of “set a beggar on horseback and watch it ride to the devil” comes to mind and I don’t wish to insult the real beggars on our streets who could do with having ad decent Leader like Corbyn to help them.
Michael Foster financially backed Khan’s campaign, maybe he called in a favour…
Sadiq Khan’s yet i had my doubts about him but he shows us hes just another greedie blairite who use any means to get whot he wants traitors will find out the people will turn but his ridiculous saying corbyn cant well corbyn doing more than any other of 172 mp hes pulling in new members oh dear
Mr khan knows corbyn can and will win, that’s what scares him and his friends/backers! Their brand of politics is finished and they can’t face the truth! The gravy train is stopping for good!
Is this the man that shared a platform with Cameron, and who had the idea of wheeling out Blair with major..
Khan blaming Corbyn is a desperate act .it will backfire..
Jeremy Corbyn will win but he as come out with his true colour Blue and not to be trusted
You mean that’s Sadiq’s true colour?
“The working class can kiss my ass I’ve got the Mayoral job at last”
Treachery at it’s worst . You could see it a mile off when he was elected on the revival of a socialist Labour programme. It makes me feel sick to the pit of my guts.
The bunch of Brigands will despite an overwhelming mandate, which is on the cards, are ready to launch another coup and try and steal the LABOUR name and form a RUMP OPPOSITION.
We have to prepare for this by encouraging new members to stand fast and not despair.
CLPs have to be transformed iinto real bodies of campaigning.
Mass meetings all over the country to keep comradeship alive
All MPs to be recalled to face members and “given guidance” on what members expect
A ‘rump opposition’? Well, if they did that, they would be a lot of assets, wouldn’t they?
Labour lost the last 2 previous elections. Voting for airstrikes doesn’t work. A new leader with policies Harold Wilson implemented many years ago. Get real Sadiq Khan.
Labour lost the last 2 elections. Jeremy Corbyn wants to reinstate things lost over the years to the blair governments and conservative governments. Voting for wars and airstrikes doesn’t work. Get real Sadiq Khan. Scared you might have to do some REAL work.
I bet Sadiq Khan is hopping mad!
What Khan and his ilk seem to gloss over is the fact that Labour lost two elections with policies that he is spouting. Corbyn is the man to lead the Labour Party or why is Owen Smith just regurgitating Corbyns’ policies wholesale.
They will all end up Jobless after this Leadership farce. Then lets see who really is unelectable.
Surprised that so many did not see this coming. I didn’t trust Khan from the get go and I was right, just as I was about Blair and Kinnock and Hillary Benn. It’s not often I like a parliamentarian but Meacher, Wedgy, Livingstone and Corbyn were right ‘uns, this coming from a traditional ex Tory. Doesn’t that tell you something?(Apart from the fact that I was empty headed or just plain selfish, to vote for the Tories.)
What’s the quote from scripture? “There’s more rejoicing in Labour for every Tory who repents…”?
Khan is a creepy toad, you sure he’s not related to watson
Utter rubbish every right thinking person knows that any politician of Jeremy Corbyns ilk and more especially with Corbyns past is unelectable.
Oh do they?
I notice you have absolutely no evidence to support this, whereas Mr Corbyn has a huge following and a string of electoral victories to support him.
Jeremy Corbyn is electable, that’s why they are fighting tooth and nail to derail him..
My evidence is, labour leaders who move the membership up will get into power, Corbyn as put the membership over 500.000.
Ramsay MacDonald, Clem Attlee, Wilson, Blair. All got people to join the party.. Unlike Michael foot, Kinnock, Brown and milliband who failed.
Labour is electable and the establishment know it..The lib dems just wiped out their own party to keep the neo liberal project alive, and that’s the Crux of the matter..
“Every right thinking person”.
Presumably, by that, you mean “every person who thinks as I do” because there’s no possible other definition that makes any sense of your comment. It certainly seems that a large part of the PLP agrees with your view, and that definition, and intend to keep ignoring the “wrong thinkers” until they “get it right”.
Personally, I suspect that their chances of succeeding in that are considerably lower than Corbyn’s chance of storming to a 400 seat majority win in a snap GE called tomorrow.
Khan won because of a weak Tory candidate not because of Corbyn. Polls during the Mayoral election showed that Boris would have won easily against Khan. When Corbyn was elected last year, Khan proposed Corbyn and said he was not voting for hin so nit much of a change.
Sadiq Khan will still be the Mayoral candidate for Labour next time because by then Corbyn will not be leader.
You and your crystal ball.
Any chance of letting me know the winning numbers in the Lottery next week?
I can’t understand fools like Mark(not so)Quick,he tells us about the Marxist and Trotskyites, does he know the difference, then about the little red book. If we wanted to read the same boring stuff we would buy the Sun, move on and stop listening to your establishment masters, Blair made the old ,sick unemployed and working families worse off,even Stevie Wonder can see this.Why can’t he,the rich are getting richer and it is about time he realised he is a TORY.
Yea yea yea same old corbyn is the greatest yea if your a swivel eyed marxist
Is kahn yet another labour opportunist jumping on the back of a movement he has no real belief in , surely not another one no surprise there then
Just another example of the BROAD CHURCH that is labour marxist and trotskyist on one side democratic socailists on the other
lets not forget tony blair good democratic socailist or opportunist
BROAD CHURCH keir hardy’s saying over 100 years ago and your still quoting it how about entering the 20th century update the rhetoric for the modern day bin your little red book as well while your about it
This is the average standard of comment I receive from supporters of the ‘Anyone But Corbyn’ plotters.
Do I need to say more?
Mark Quick’s moronic ramblings say it all.
Come back Mark and explain with a reasoned argument and people might take a second look.
But there is little chance of that, because from your post you are incapable of disseminating fact from fiction. How good to know the likes of you are not a politician of any persuasion. Do yourself a favour, and educate yourself before you attempt to contribute to any but the lowest of forums.
Are you trying to make a point here? If so, could you do it in a language we can understand, please? What garbled nonsense!!
“almost unanimous rejection of him on Twitter” That you think this is even worth mentioning has given me a chuckle – thanks!
I’m not sure exactly what you’re saying there, but you’re welcome.
If Corbyn is ousted, I will have no option other than join plaid cymru, because these plotters will eventually lose wales to an ideology of chasing Tory votes, Corbyn as realised its non voters that will win.
That’s right – he’s winning back the millions Labour lost to exactly the policies Sadiq and the others support.
I am shocked by Khan ditching JC.
I do hope that JC wins.
I had my doubts in Sadiq Khan and now It is clear to me that Sadiq Khan is an opportunist
Remember all Labour MPs signed up to a manifesto at the time of their election. After a year in leadership Corbyn has to address the economy from one which simply generates money to one which accepts that public investment cannot be achieved without risk. The current debate is hardly addressing the real issues facing all of us.
I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to say.
The failed milliband manifesto can be binned, if its failed why give it credence..
Corbyns manifesto…
Get rid of 0 hr contracts.
Close food banks.
Free education.
Stop invading other countries.
Get rid of a 200 billion pound bomb.
Curb greed at the top..
Make the rich pay their taxes.
Build not for profit homes.
Renationalise OUR services profits going to pensions.
How to pay for it..the clue is above. Also quantitativeeesing for investment banks.
Just a few things for a real manifesto..
It should be added that closing food banks would happen when they cease to be needed.
Exactly…now cost the critical suggestions in the light of the financial crisis facing us. Remember most privatised assets are now owned by foreign governments with whom we expect to trade. Your tactics need a workable strategy. I repeat public investment is not without risk.
And what exactly do you know about the workings of the Corbyn administration that makes you think there isn’t a “workable strategy”?
I’m willing to bet the answer to that is “nothing at all”.
You are right. I can find Corbyn’s aspirations but no reference on how he would implement these. I would be most grateful if you could inform me .
He’d probably pass them into law, the same as every other prime minister.
In view of the response from Mike Sivier and the “Dai” statement my analysis is as follows:
Our national Debt is £1.5 trillion, in terms of GDP worse than any time since WW2 growing and the 18th.worse from about 100 reporting nations and in turn reducing our credit rating.
Zero hour contracts -agreed. The present situation is scandalous.
Food banks will close when the need disappears.
The NHS, welfare and pension budgets are increasing faster than inflation.
Free education- presumably to include university and apprenticeship fees and costs. I see this as an important aspiration. The sums need to be done and priorities established. Note that the Scots have imposed a cap on numbers perhaps we would have to do this too?
The costs of warfare: agreed but we have NATO obligations, the public seem to wish for a nuclear deterrent and so this source of funding will take time to establish.
“Greed and Taxes” agreed but the Inland Revenue seem unable to both detect and to close tax havens. We seem unable to control situations like the BHS scandal. Tax incurred from profit earned in the UK has yet to be implemented.
The homes policy needs to be defined and costed. It arises from the irresponsibility of selling off public sector housing. It too will make tremendous demands on the public purse.
How can we renationalise the services sectors of energy, water and communication when there is considerable ownership by foreign governments with whom we wish to trade? The rail sector is easy …just wait for the end of the franchise periods. Electricity is a real problem…..first we need a proper energy strategy along the lines of the old CEGB five year rolling programme and in detail should the nation invest directly in Hinkley C? Nationalisation will occur by owning the sector replacement and expansion costs…..again a lengthy procedure.
After the 2008 banking crisis we already have a public ownership interest in this sector but I do not understand “Dai”‘s investment suggestion.
When a nation has the richest 1% owning as much as the poorest 85% and five families have the same wealth as 12 million people there are entrenched problems.
On wealth creation, the manufacturing sector is moribund and the financial sector after BREXIT will reduce. Small businesses (employing less than 50 employees)
have to fund parental and sickness leave of absence and the cost of temporary replacement labour. This can be very difficult for the enterprises.
Altogether not a very helpful scenario for Mr. Corbyn or indeed any revisionist politician. It is full of demand and short on funding.
Oh and please can we reduce the personal acrimony and concentrate on policy implementation.
I don’t know the history of London Mayors, but I did find it slightly bizarre to see a photograph of Khan ‘sharing a platform’ with David Cameron on the EU Ref.
And Khan himself (or his team), are now sending out emails asking people to support Smith
Jeremy travels to the North East sitting on the floor with real passengers. Sadiq Khan has a photo opportunity on an empty tube – I kn9w who I would rather travel with.
There was friction between Kahn and Corbyn long before Khan became Mayor of London. And if Khan really believes that Corbyn will sink the Labour party isn’t speaking out publicly about it open and honest? If criticising Corbyn means Kahn won’t be elected Mayor again isn’t it wholly admirable that Khan is willing to forgo a second term, rather than keep his mouth shut and say nothing, standing up for what he believes in and making a principled stand, potentially at no small cost to himself.
If anything it makes me admire Mr Kahn more for acting in what he sees as the best interests of the Labour party over and above his own selfish interests as a politician.
The Labour party needs more fearless and honest people like this in its ranks.
No, it shows he was standing for his own personal interests when he took advantage of the huge support base Mr Corbyn had built.
He seems quite willing to abandon any principles in order to seek personal advantage.
The Labour Party needs fewer selfish people like this in its ranks.
You admire him so much tat you can’t even be bothered to spell his name correctly. Nice.
Nobody has mentioned that it was Khan that proposed Corbyn for leader. So that IMHO shows at the least a fickle treacherous nature, or at best absolute zero judgement ability. I suppose in reality what we have here is a self promoting chancer that has eyes on the Labour leadership himself.