Insurers already refusing to insure homes in areas designated for fracking

Last Updated: February 22, 2014By

In all the furore over Atos lately it has been easy to ignore other developments. Here’s a new wrinkle in the ‘Fracking’ controversy. Now that insurers are refusing to cover home owners against the effects of the process, will we see a stronger show of public opposition?


  1. Thomas M February 22, 2014 at 5:03 pm - Reply

    In France people in large enough numbers would probably tell the frackers where to go, but the English either do nothing or riot like idiots. Certainly the homeowners, which are normally people with reasonable jobs and middle class, who are thinking about voting Tory should say to the Conservatives-if you allow companies to make our houses uninsurable, we will vote you out. For a long time.

  2. R Jim Edge February 22, 2014 at 5:41 pm - Reply

    London will be the only safe place to live but one would need to but a property there so most of us are ruled out. Sounds very tory to me

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