The Decisions Facing Rachel Reeves on Friday 8th May 2015 (Part 15)

Last Updated: July 27, 2014By

One Comment

  1. lallygag26 July 28, 2014 at 8:06 am - Reply

    “Incidentally, the Voluntary and Community Sector and niche private providers are well placed to deliver effective, flexible and personalised soft skills support in accessible, welcoming community venues, unlike the usual suspects.”

    John D Turner is presumably not among those of us who want a return to the public sector provision of services? We used to have ‘niche providers’ of job support. They worked for the DSS in places called Job Centres (where they usually helped you get a job). They were civil servants. Then it was turned into the DWP and split up and sold off, like every other public service. Now they are not civil servants. And they don’t help you get a job. They are ‘private providers’. More of that? No thanks!

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