Cabinet reshuffle as it happened: Tories ‘declare war on BBC’ with John Whittingdale appointment – Telegraph
So here we all are, discussing strategies that haven’t worked out too well for the Labour Party – and here’s one monster of a mess for the BBC! It seems lying supine and letting the Tories walk all over Auntie for the last five years has been a vain endeavour and the Conservative Party is keen to begin hostilities. Was the BBC stupid, very stupid, or just plain boneheaded to think that pandering to the blue meanies’ every wish was ever going to be a good idea? You decide!
The Prime Minister forms his government, with John Whittingdale, the former chair of the DCMS committee and critic of the BBC, is appointed as Culture Secretary
Well that’s gratitude for you. Maybe the BBC will stop being such fawning cowards now? Good grief, they might even mention the scandalous benefit reforms and the oozing scab that is IDS.
Doubt it, though.
Ever had your past mistakes come back to haunt you….x
This loathsome character wouldn’t know culture if it hit him in the face. All he knows is vindictive nastiness.
That’s what comes of sucking up to psychopaths. They now have their Caligula moment.