Why TTIP would be bad for Europe | Pertinent Problems

Last Updated: September 2, 2015By

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is currently being negotiated between the European Union and the USA. While reading it I stumbled across this sentence and begin to investigate.

“Improved regulatory coherence and cooperation by dismantling unnecessary regulatory barriers such as bureaucratic duplication of effort”

This sounds wonderful Aditya! Surely this is good?

Well, not quite. The broader implications of this seemingly innocent sentence are actually quite sinister. When you think about it, what TTIP aims to do is crush the best parts of European system we currently have. Let’s take the idea of public health care, something alien to the American government. What TTIP would do could make it easier for private American firms to gobble up the NHS. The worst bit? There’s nothing we can do about this. Negotiations are taking place behind closed doors so whatever happens will happen*. On top of this, TTIP will cause the loss of jobs in Europe. Look at NAFTA, a similar venture, which resulted in the loss of around 700,000 jobs which were shifted to Mexico. Under TTIP, jobs will probably cross the Atlantic to the USA, where trade unions have less rights and where the standard of labour is lower.

Source: Why TTIP would be bad for Europe | Pertinent Problems

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  1. jeffrey davies September 2, 2015 at 10:00 am - Reply

    that is why over the last yr been emailing eu members about this but it will open us up to yanky law has their companies take us to court for not allowing them to whot ever they deem against their companies we end up paying compo to them ops unless the peasants show they dont want it then its a dead cert

  2. casalealex September 2, 2015 at 10:15 am - Reply

    [1] War on Want: Divided: MEPs pass controversial TTIP resolution:

Global Justice Now: Pro-TTIP report passes European Parliament after “dirty tricks” from President Schulz:

You can find our how your MEP voted here:
38 Degrees: TTIP: Who voted for what?
MEPs voted on a set of recommendations about TTIP. It’s not a legally binding vote, but gives a clear signal to the European Commission who are negotiating the deal with the US that they can keep going.

[2] BBC News: TTIP: Cameron pledges support for EU-US trade deal

[3] The Telegraph: What is TTIP and why is it so controversial?:

[4] 38 Degrees: TTIP: Who voted for what?:

[5] 38 Degrees TTIP website:

[6] 38 Degrees: TTIP Days of Action:
TTIP Day of Action photos:

[7] European Citizen’s Initiative: EU: Put a stop to TTIP and CETA:

[8] There have been hundreds of articles in local newspapers across the UK. Here’s a small selection:
Northern Echo: Why a four-letter word is bringing 12,600 people in the North-East together:

The Herald: Why we’re protesting against TTIP:

  3. John. September 2, 2015 at 11:04 am - Reply

    Wall street mafia protection racket.

  4. stephen brophy September 2, 2015 at 11:15 am - Reply

    That’s just the tip of that iceberg! The Internet will be sensored, secret courts established, corporations could sue the government if they block their ability the earn profit, etc.

  5. Harry September 2, 2015 at 12:18 pm - Reply

    Yes Mike TTIP is a menace in so many ways. It destroys governance in the interests of the state/people, insofar as that exists anymore. The TTIP/TPP was brought out of its dark slimy hole in response to the ongoing destruction of the PetroDollar as the reserve currency. So, in effect it is a measure to maintain American (USA) hegemony at the expense of everyone else. No change there then. The alternative being the well deserved collapsed of Rothschilds Federal Reserve. If our governments cave in to this American coercion then our governments have admitted to being our sworn enemies. And that is not putting the case too strongly. TTIP is a declaration of open war against against Europeans.

  6. Daniel Margrain September 2, 2015 at 2:06 pm - Reply

    It’s good to have a reminder of an issue George Monbiot was discussing years ago.

    • Mike Sivier September 2, 2015 at 4:57 pm - Reply

      It’s an ongoing issue.

  7. Adi September 2, 2015 at 3:03 pm - Reply

    Thanks for all the comments guys!

  8. mohandeer September 2, 2015 at 4:14 pm - Reply

    TTIP also means that if the govt. wanted to raise the minimum wage and any company that invested in the UK would lose money they could sue the govt. You also have to understand the implications of the “revised” intellectual property clause and also the wholly corrupt scam of even further Tax Evasion policies being written into the clauses. MEP’s only have access to limited documents, have to book in advance for each and every one of them, no photocopying, no cell phones etc. Foodstuffs (additives toxins and poisons and also GM’s) banned by the EU would be sold via third parties or just not labelled as such. here are so many things the list is endless. Small and medium enterprises would be locked out and unemployment would grow steadily higher and prices would be rigged worse than they already are by giant corporations. TTIP is an economic death sentence to the EU and the UK.

  9. John Gaines September 3, 2015 at 8:46 am - Reply

    The USA already own the Bank of England Goldrobbers Sucks (Goldman Sachs) have had it in their pockets since Thatcher handed it over to Reagan, TTIP will be the end of our Nation.

  10. Joyce Roll September 3, 2015 at 11:27 am - Reply

    Can any one help me to forward this email to my MP ? I have tried to do this but each time the “postman ” has not been able to deliver it . My MP is Nigel Huddelstone , MP for mid Worcestershire .

    • Mike Sivier September 3, 2015 at 12:35 pm - Reply

      Perhaps you need to go via snail mail. Is he on Twitter?

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