Meme on Governments, Capitalism and the Economics of War|Beastrabban\’s Weblog
This is another piece from the over 18 site, 1000 Natural Shocks, that also accurately describes the way governments and big business work to promote war in order to boost the economy. And it also describes the situation over here. Our government has also heavily promoted arms sales to foreign governments around the world, including those, like the Saudis, where human rights are minimal or non-existent. And Cameron is clearly pushing for war against Syria, despite the opposition of the majority of the great British public.
Source: Meme on Governments, Capitalism and the Economics of War | Beastrabban\’s Weblog
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I have watched both the speeches by Andrew Feinstein who has done such remarkable work in investigating the illegality and corruption of the arms trade.
It is staggering and the fact that the UK is prominent in this industry and the fact that it is funded by us, the tax payers, we need to know what is going on in these secretive deals.
“Man is the only animal that deals in that atrocity of atrocities War. He is the only one that gathers his brethren about him and goes forth in cold blood and calm pulse to exterminate his kind. He is the only animal that for sordid wages will march out… and help to slaughter strangers of his own species who have done him no harm and with whom he has no quarrel…. And in the intervals between campaigns he washes the blood off his hands and works for the universal brotherhood of man with his mouth.” ― Mark Twain
The scrutiny committee definitely needs to be reformed with strong independent leadership.