MPs to debate banning Donald Trump from UK

Donald Trump was widely criticised for saying Muslims should be banned from entering the US [Image: Rick Friedman/].
Alongside a petition calling for Donald Trump to be banned from the UK after he said Muslims should be refused entry to the US, MPs will debate another petition, opposing such a ban.
If the government supports the latter petition, which won only 40,000 signatures, over the former, which benefits from more than 560,000, the Conservative Party will be signalling its contempt for democracy once again.
MPs are to debate calls for the US presidential candidate Donald Trump to be banned from the UK following his controversial comments about Muslims, after more than half a million people signed a petition.
The government signalled last month that it would not refuse Trump entry after he was widely criticised for saying that Muslims should be banned from entering the US.
However, the call for the sanction to be imposed on the businessman will now at least have a hearing in parliament after the House of Commons petitions committee announced on Tuesday that it was scheduling a session in Westminster Hall on 18 January.
More than 560,000 people have signed the petition demanding the billionaire businessman be barred. Politicians will also discuss a separate petition opposing such a ban, even though it only gained about 40,000 signatures – well below the 100,000 threshold for triggering a debate.
Trump, who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination in the US, faced an international backlash last month after urging a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on”.
Source: MPs to debate banning Donald Trump from UK | US news | The Guardian
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Why do they need a separate debate for a petition against the banning of Trump? Surely their reasoning would be the nay side of the first debate to ban him. This is a ludicrous waste of parliamentary time. Logic says that, if one motion passes, the other fails. Any other outcome would be a fiasco.
I got a message saying that govt policy had not changed and no word of a debate? THATS why I hate e petitions, they don’t work, because as you state in the first paragraph, the govt have contempt for the service as it is. I am surprised cameron didnt ditch it as it was a labour govt invention. Its the same as kettling, allow the proles to complain in a certain direction, they feel they did something that has an effect and then they go away and forget about it. The only reason cameron and co wont allow a debate is because if trump does get voted into office the uk would look stupid if he had a uk wide travel ban, and bang goes any kudos with the us that the uk govt ‘thinks’ it still has, so sitting on the fence watching the wind blow is tantamount to what chamberlain did with the appeasement of hitler in the 1930s. Whilst that is extreme to say trump is akin to hitler,lets not forget that bad jokes have a habit of becoming worst nightmares and if trump were to become the president, a new world order would arise and i am damn sure cameron would want to be part of it. Sending trump a message that his kind of rhetoric is not welcome in this country may appear dangerous and foolhardy by power brokers and meglomaniacs alike but in fact it would be one of the few times the uk stood up for democracy and right and freedom against a tyranny, no matter whether its a long time ally or not.
banning trump is the best way forward to curb recruitment of disillusioned people for terrorist organisations.
The tories will let him in, he’ll bung them and fellow million and they’ll bend over and take it like they always do!