Tory talk about flood defence is just a lot of flannel
Someone should explain to Liz Truss – and to all Conservative ministers – a simple principle that they don’t seem to understand: Prevention is better than cure.
It doesn’t matter that financial aid was provided quickly, or that there are plans to improve flood defences; these are measures being made after 16,000 houses were flooded.
The floods happened because Conservatives like Ms Truss voted to cut the flood defence budget, year on year, back in 2011.
In any case, the projects the money would have funded are unlikely to have worked. The example of places like Pickering shows that there are much better alternatives to building hugely-expensive walls along river banks.
The bone-headed response of Tories like Truss shows there is just one lesson to be learnt from this fiasco: Cosnervatives don’t learn from their mistakes.
About 16,000 houses in England were flooded during the wettest December in a century, Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss has told MPs.
Defending the government’s response to the crisis, she said flood defences had protected more than 20,000 homes.
Financial aid was provided in “record time”, and there are plans to further improve flood defences, Ms Truss added.
But Labour accused ministers of not spending enough on defences, calling measures a “sticking plaster response”.
Source: Storms Desmond and Eva flooded 16,000 homes in England – BBC News
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It’s funny, now that the South has been hit by flooding, both the head of the Environment Agency, who by the way is a tory, and the government said that they will move hell and high water to deal with the flood damage, shame he and the government didn’t care enough when we in the North got flooded out the same way and multiple times too, couldn’t be bothered to get his arse back from the Caribbean when it all started, but we up here aren’t surprised, there’s always being Southern bias from the tories and the state in general and looks as though it’s never going to change!