Women’s pensions: Tories smash expectations by failing to admit the facts
Many women have only recently discovered that their retirements have been postponed [Image: Alecsandra Raluca Dragoi for the Guardian].
The Conservative Party likes to say that state machinery needs to be “simplified”, and in government it tries to act on these instincts.
But some things – like pensions – simply cannot be “simplified” the way the Tories want, and still remain coherent.
What we are seeing is not a communications problem. It seems far more likely that somebody realised they would be telling women of a certain age that the new system hugely disadvantages them, and thought it would be better for the government if the facts didn’t get out.
It’s despicable.
But then, for Tories, winning elections with lies is far more important than providing the facts.
The UK government must make “urgent changes” to the information it provides about the new state pension as retirement expectations among women are being “smashed”, an influential group of MPs have warned.
The new system – which from April will replace basic and additional pensions for people reaching retirement age – is “widely misunderstood” and is the latest in a series of “bungled” efforts to reform the state pension, the work and pensions select committee said.
Some women, who had expected to receive their pension at 60, have only recently discovered that their retirements have been postponed by up to six years. This is part of the planned equalisation of the state pension age for men and women to 65 by November 2018, followed by a further increase to 66 in October 2020.
Source: State pension changes ‘smash’ women’s expectations, MPs warn | Money | The Guardian
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Link to the Work and Pensions Committee report:-
This does not astound me, as Iain “Duncan” S**t is a proven liar, who has told so many untruths in the past that, now, one cannot believe anything he says.
I blame his parents.
nothing any tory MP says can be believed.
Lest he be confused with Iain “Duncan” Soot, should I henceforth refer to the loony and ludicrous lisr as Iain “Duncan” S**t? ;-)
No, you may not refer to him or anyone else, on This Blog, using any form of profanity. The rule is simple: DON’T SWEAR.