Cancer patient stripped of benefits while undergoing chemotherapy
Marisa Da Silva says she was told to apply for work while undergoing chemotherapy [Image: Streets Kitchen].
It makes you wonder what they mean by “improved”, doesn’t it?
A cancer patient was stripped of her benefits for more than a month while undergoing debilitating chemotherapy following an apparent mix up.
Marisa Da Silva, of Isleworth, was diagnosed in August 2015 with breast cancer and has been unable to work since her treatment began the following month.
The 39-year-old was initially awarded Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), thanks to help from Macmillan Cancer Support to obtain the benefit.
But this payment was withdrawn in November and she says she was told she would need to apply for work to qualify for Job Seekers Allowance (JSA).
She claims one Jobcentre officer even advised her to hide her condition from potential employers, despite the chemotherapy leaving her unfit to work on all but a few days a month.
Source: Cancer patient stripped of benefits while undergoing chemotherapy
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Advising a claimant to lie rather than giving them more useful and proactive advice to clear up their faults just reflects what a pathetic organisation they are. Advising a person to lie just reinforces how lying is endemic through out the DWP..
Speechless at this barbarity
People should get licences to use computers. Public Services would not get a licence …