Appoint individual to protect rights of the vulnerable, report suggests

Last Updated: February 23, 2016By

Stephen Bubb’s review coincides with a report by the RCN which also says that people with learning disabilities are being failed, party due to cuts to staff numbers [Image: Graham Turner for the Guardian].

There is little chance of this happening under a Conservative government.

The Tories have hounded the vulnerable, ever since they got back into office in 2010.

A learning disabilities commissioner should be appointed to protect the rights of vulnerable people in England, a report into the Winterbourne View scandal has recommended.

Five years on from the Panorama programme detailing abuse at a private hospital near Bristol, Stephen Bubb, the author of the report into the incident, said the system still cannot be trusted to care for people with learning disabilities.

“Just as a children’s commissioner was established following the Climbié inquiry, there is a firm argument for establishing this post,” he said. “It would have a statutory duty to promote and protect the rights of all people with learning disabilities and their families.”

Source: Appoint individual to protect rights of the vulnerable, report suggests | Society | The Guardian

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  1. Rupert Mitchell (@rupert_rrl) February 23, 2016 at 3:22 pm - Reply

    An excellent desire, but not likely to happen with this government in power as the vulnerable are useful in helping them to keep their own standards of living in luxury at our expense. The best way of getting justice is to remove the Tory government at the very first possibly opportunity.

  2. mohandeer February 23, 2016 at 6:03 pm - Reply

    The only good that can come out of this Tory govt. is that they have alienated so many people, that in 2020 when Labour finally get back into power (providing the right wingers and Blairites don’t screw things up) is that a Tory govt. is never likely to get into power again.

  3. Larry Semmins February 23, 2016 at 6:05 pm - Reply

    What’s the hub bub Bubb (sorry just had to say that)

  4. Malcolm MacINTYRE-READ February 26, 2016 at 4:35 pm - Reply

    YES (such a Commissioner IS desperately needed) and YES (it will NOT happen under this oh, so “caring” Con Gov).

    We need a wake for the Commonalty, Common Decency and Common Sense.

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