May’s police state will miss important matters while monitoring your cat videos
So Theresa May wants to get her Investigatory Powers Bill (the Snooper’s Charter) into law by the end of the year, does she?
This will be the Bill that failed to “cover all the intrusive spying powers of the security agencies and lacks clarity in its privacy protections“, according to Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee last month.
The same committee said “it was evident that even those working on the legislation had not always been clear about what it was intended to achieve”.
Suddenly, all that has been cleaned up?
This Blog has only one note to make in response – as put forward by a certain comedian in July 2014:
Never mind funny cats – one wonders what dead cat will be paraded before us to distract attention from Mrs May’s plan to turn the UK into a police state.
Powers for the police to access everyone’s web browsing histories and to hack into phones are to be expanded under the latest version of the snooper’s charter legislation.
The extension of police powers contained in the investigatory powers bill indicates the determination of the home secretary, Theresa May, to get her legislation on to the statute book by the end of this year despite sweeping criticism by three separate parliamentary committees in the past month.
The bill is designed to provide the first comprehensive legal framework for state surveillance powers anywhere in the world. It has been developed in response to the disclosure of state mass surveillance programmes by the whistleblower Edward Snowden. The government hopes it will win the backing of MPs by the summer and by the House of Lords this autumn.
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The tories have form here. I remember them trying to get neighbour spying on neighbour
many years ago in an attempt to unmask people suspected of claiming too much in the way of benefits. Tax dodgers are OK, though. Cameron or Osborne as Big Brothers and May as Big Sister?
Why should we trust any government with our right to confidentiality when they can “lose” 114 child abuse files?
Why has the government not answered this very simple question?
Why is the government even contemplating this without re-inventing the privacy laws?
Why is the government trying to justify such sweeping powers against it’s own people without the consent of those people?
Why is the government trying to promote the lie that “if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear”, which is a load of codswallop.
Why is the government so intent on creating a totalitarian police state?
Could this be the reason for so many Chinese dignitaries recently?
They want to learn from the experts in crushing free speech and free thought!
Is it the reason the Chinese have received so many UK contracts?
Is it because when you look out the window you know around 70% of those you see would like to see you gone!
Personally I reckon by any means necessary!
Whoops that’s another Whitehall folder opened! I wonder what they’ll call them; mmmm ‘Special Patrol Groups’ that has a nice Tory ring to it!
best thing is to write gobblygook for the snoopers to be forced to read, and decipher. it will waste their time and show the absurdity of law in this area. also lead to a complete rethink in the long term.!!