Tory bullying: Thinktank appears to add blackmail to list of offences
Let’s get this straight – the lawyer for the Conservative Way Forward think tank has warned Elliott Johnson’s parents off demanding a full inquest by threatening that it will include revelations about his sexuality and mental health.
That’s blackmail, isn’t it?
He’s saying he’ll publicise information they would not have wanted released, if they don’t back off, and clearly the intention is that they will.
This Writer hopes they stick to their guns.
Their son has already passed away and all these parents want is justice.
Any information the Tories bring out is far more likely to damage them than him, in the eyes of the public – not least because they are attacking somebody who can no longer defend himself.
Let them bring it on. They will only harm themselves.
The parents of the Conservative activist Elliott Johnson have been warned by the Tory thinktank where he used to work that their son’s mental health and sexuality would be aired in public if they insisted on broadening the scope of the inquest into his death.
Lawyers for Ray and Alison Johnson told a packed courtroom in Ampthill, Bedfordshire, that allegations that Elliott was bullied by the former Tory aide Mark Clarke and others should be examined by a full inquest as his treatment could amount to an “inhuman and degrading” breach of human rights.
But George Alliott, the lawyer representing Conservative Way Forward (CWF), the thinktank where Elliott Johnson worked until he was made redundant a month before his death, told the hearing that if the scope of the inquest was broadened it would lead to further questions being asked about Elliott’s sexuality and wellbeing.
Source: Tory thinktank warns Elliott Johnson’s parents against broader inquest | Politics | The Guardian
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I hope they continue with this after all the information can not harm him now.
Yes! That IS blackmail!
Odds given the police will investigate and prosecute 0 I would think; especially as the ‘law courts’ have just allowed a young Etonian to walk away without prison time for having and distributing child porn mostly it seems because of the shame he had brought on himself and his family’s name – so much for the victims and their families!
He should make an excellent Tory MP
I hope they really stick to this. Things are not going well for the nasty party at the moment and more dominoes are about to fall.
Good luck to them.
Arthur Wellesley the 1st duke of Wellington, in response to a blackmail threat said “Publish and be Damned”. This would be my response also.
Mike has the right of it. The Tories nasty little attempt at blackmailing the parents will backfire on them. The threat is now in public domain, that in itself is damaging, nobody likes sordid vile blackmailers.
Surely, his sexuality would only be an adverse matter to those who have a homophobic mind-set. Ditto, mental health problems, which are over 5 years past. Is this not a stark insight into the mind-set of the Conservative Way Forward ‘think’ tank. In that sense it’s probably indicative as to why he was bullied. A huge ‘home-goal’, in more ways than one, by the ‘think’ tank.
‘think’, well it looks as if they’ve not thought very clearly about when to speak and what not to say.
The Tories have already harmed themselves Mike.
I wonder if this young man’s parents will still vote for and support the Nasty Party after they have shown just how evil they can be?
Are there not already charges of black mail and conspiracy to commit laid against the defendant/s in this case? That during the Roadtrip 2016 conservative GE campaign low level campaign workers were told to engage political peeps in compromising situations, which would be recorded and used against them to further the defendants political career.