More ‘two-nation’ Toryism: Conservative counties take cash to fend off cuts – but they won’t take asylum seekers!

Asylum seekers stand outside their homes with doors painted in red in Costa Street, Middlesbrough. They say the doors have made them a target [Image: Owen Humphreys/PA].
We already know that, threatened with a rebellion over cuts, the Tory Government hastily stumped up a £300 million ‘relief fund’ that will benefit – guess who? – Conservative-voting shires, mostly in the Home Counties.
Now it seems these same shires have been refusing to accept the responsibility of housing asylum-seekers – pushing them onto areas run by other parties.
So they get an easy time of it in both cases, while others have to struggle.
Conservatives: They really are more a parasite infestation than a government.
Destitute asylum seekers should be dispersed to the Tory shires, including the home secretary’s constituency town of Maidenhead, which currently receive none at all, a Commons committee has demanded.
The Commons home affairs committee said that under the current dispersal system the majority of asylum seekers are sent to low-cost housing in urban areas such as Glasgow, Stoke, and Middlesbrough – where the recent “red doors” row highlighted their concentration.
The MPs said too many local authorities were unwilling to take part in the voluntary dispersal scheme and ministers should bring pressure to bear on them to volunteer and provide suitable accommodation for asylum seekers.
Source: Commons committee calls for asylum seekers to be housed in Tory shires | UK news | The Guardian
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I don’t think the Tories have double standards!
I find they have ONE standard which is self gratification and greed at the expense of doing their jobs properly and running the country for all of us.
If we exit from our EU partners you can be certain that we will not be governed any more but ruled by them.
We can dump the tories in an election who voted for the eu president or the commission who currently govern our country, they are ruling us, form the corruption riddled democratically deficient institutes in brussels.
The Commission doesn’t govern anything.
Hard to argue with a single world of that. Spot on.
Hear Hear.
there are no redeeming features of any tories. why dont the opposition join together with a vote of no confidence in the tory government.
this is one reason we should now be campaigning to keep human rights,because if we exit the EU the Tories will scrap it and bring in THEIR Bill of Rights.
this will give you the rights that THEY think YOU should have,and not the rights you have at present under the Human Rights act.