Here’s how ‘Project Fear’ has infected the refugee crisis
The refugee crisis could get a whole lot worse because of this man.
NATO’s top commander, US general Phillip Breedlove, has tried to crush the public’s concern over the refugee crisis in one fatal blow. On 1 March, Breedlove told the US Congress that ISIS (Daesh) is spreading “like a cancer” among refugees.
This inflammatory language seems designed to incite distrust of the refugee population. But Breedlove is right, there is a tumour. It’s the fear-filled one he’s trying to grow in us. And it will spread, if we let it.
Of course, Breedlove’s claim that the refugee flow is “masking the movement” of terrorists, could have some validity. But without evidence, his argument has no more weight than that of Bill Frelick, director of the refugee rights programme for Human Rights Watch. Frelick says that the problem only amounts to “needles in haystacks”.
Read more: This military commander’s actions just put all refugees in very serious danger | The Canary
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One would think that NATO’s top commander would be capable of a strategic overview. Our inhospitable and inhumane treatment of refugees (whilst deplorable in its own right) is likely to fan the flames of home-grown terrorism, and it was home-grown terrorism as opposed to cancerous cells amongst refugees that was responsible for 7/7 and the Paris outrages.
Dr. Strangelove strikes again. This whack job is so discredited in so many ways with his wild accusations which always get found out and revealed, you’d think he’d learn to keep his cakehole firmly shut. He has been called out by Novorussyan, German, Danish and Ukrainians as well as a huge reservoir of alternative media sites. You have to wonder if his kind of dementia/myopic understanding of reality is infectious or just an aberrant trait running amok within the powerful and privileged all too often left in charge of governments and military institutions.