Junior doctors challenge new contract in the courts
The government’s new contract for junior doctors is to be challenged in the courts by a group of doctors and patients on the grounds of patient safety.
The group have instructed Bindman’s LLP solicitors to investigate judicial review proceedings, which will centre on the detrimental impact of the proposed new contract on the safety patients as well as the stability of the NHS as a whole.
Last month, the health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, told parliament that he would impose the revised terms and conditions on junior doctors in August after two months of negotiations failed to end the long-running and bitter dispute.
Nadia Masood, one of the four doctors leading the push for legal proceedings, said: “Taking the government to court is the last resort and our last chance. We’ve tried protesting, our union called for strikes, we have reached out to the media and the public but the government still engaged with us directly and they haven’t really answered the public.”
Source: Junior doctors’ contract to be challenged in courts | Society | The Guardian
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Hunt is a coward, and a fool to believe Cameron or Osborne , or johson or Gove. he is the next tory scapegoat after the courts judgement is not supportive. he cant go to another post as hes despised by the public.
Judicial review – (Judicial review is a type of court proceeding in which a judge reviews the lawfulness of a decision or action made by a public body. In other words, judicial reviews are a challenge to the way in which a decision has been made, rather than the rights and wrongs of the conclusion reached.) now seems to be the only way this government can be challenged upon the decisions they make, because although the tories may think otherwise; NO – ONE is above the law, no matter how high they think they are. I wish the Doctors all the very best in this and for all our sakes, hope that they achieve the desired outcome.
Why don’t we do the same with the DWP?