Labour neck-and-neck with Tories in poll for the first time since Jeremy Corbyn became leader
Already, some commentators are claiming that this result is due to the methodology used and further polls will show the Tories regaining their lead.
Maybe so, but Labour is ahead in the London mayoral election race as well, so there are good reasons for the party to feel optimistic.
Labour has drawn level with the Conservatives in an opinion poll for the first time since the 2015 general election.
Jeremy Corbyn’s party was up four points compared to last month in ICM’s monthly phone poll, at 36 per cent, while the Conservatives were down three to 36 per cent.
The seven point shift has Labour up six points on its 30 per cent in the general election under Ed Miliband, and the Tories having neither gained nor lost support.
The poll, coming as it does amongst a series of weak opinion polls for Labour, is by definition an outlier – and would have to be backed up by further surveys if it were to signal a true shift in support.
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All this despite the Tory Media/Press consistently failing to report Labour Party events, meeetings etc thus denying Labour the Oxygen of Publicity
Don’t get too excited. It is a poll that is regarded as an outlier and an anomaly by all the papers. There will be rogue polls from time to time. It is a poll about parties and not leaders.
And are all these things not already mentioned in the article and its source? Clue: They are.
One wonders what you hoped to achieve by posting this comment.
Your comment about “It is a poll about parties and not leaders” got me thinking. When you vote in the election, will you be voting for the leader or will you be voting for the party and it’s policies?
Oh, and as far as the papers are concerned….. well, that’s hardly surprise of the year is it? – most of the press have been anti-Corbyn since he was elected.
And guess what he Fail published – (fanfare) the anti-Corbyn coup is in town!!!! It was such a pile of rubbish, but it fools enough of the people enough of the time, eh?
(Even in it’s own garbage the Fail had to admit that the plot needed someone from the anti-Corbyn PLP to be ready to ruin their political career, which would seem an oxymoron when looking at that group of self-promoting chancers, and admitted that this group seems to be loosing backers too.)
polls are commissioned by the tories to target their election resources. dont give the polls any info and leave the tories guessing. Polls are never accurate and just used to sell newspapers.