Taking privatisations and PFI into account the Conservatives borrowed the most on average over 70 years | Tax Research UK
Several people have asked if the data I have put forward on government borrowing would have been changed if privatisations (including 3G and 4G spectrum sales) and POFI were taken into account. I was curious, so I have checked.
Privatisation proceeds came from the House of Commons Library updated in the past two years by the OBR data for March 2015.
Spectrum sale data came from press reports for 2000 and Ofcom for 2013.
PFI data comes from a Treasury report of December 2014 with (low)estimates for 2014/15 and 2015/16.
All these sums net increased borrowing either by disguising the sum that would actually have been borrowed or actually adding to it in the case of PFI.
I then produced data for the 70 year period to 2016 and the 62 years to 2008. The results were as follows:
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So a proven fact then. Not only have Tory consistently borrowed more than Labour but have been unable to repay the debts and reduce the deficit as much as Labour did. I wonder if it’s to do with their fiscal and economic policies?
Tories are using the money to fund the tory party and pretending to pay off the deficit.
That would be illegal. I would suggest they may be using the money to bribe the rich, encouraging those who benefit to provide part of their profit – if that is the right word – to the Conservative Party in donations.
now that sounds about right Mike! Excellent article.