How well do you know George Osborne’s face?
Mel Brooks once said, “If you can make them look ridiculous, then you can win over the people.”
We don’t have to make George Osborne look ridiculous – he always does.
To ram this point home on Budget Day, why not take Hannah Jewell’s test and discover how well YOU know George Osborne’s face?
Here’s the first question, to give you a taste:
George Osborne is all over the news today talking about the Budget, but have you been paying attention to the details?
1. Which bit of George Osborne is this?
Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images
- His chin.
- His cheek.
- His forehead.
- The saddest, frowniest bit of his soul that pokes through every now and then.
Take the test: How Well Do You Know George Osborne’s Face
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What? Both of them!
to be expected Osborne has not told the truth since being chancellor and probably before.
Q. How well do I know George Osborne’s face?
A. Well enough to know that I wouldn’t get tired of slapping it. I’d have a bucket of iced water on hand to cool off my hands.
Forget his double chin, look at that miniature backside on the tip of his nose.
I know it rather well Mike; I play darts with his picture every day.
5. His arse.
It’s his voice I can’t listen to. He sounds like a bad imitation of Kenneth Williams.
Mike: LHA maxima cut of £1billion buried in budget today! The figures here!
by joehalewood
Within 5 minutes of downloading the budget documents I have found that the amount of Housing Benefit that will be cut in social housing with the LHA maxima policy has increased by 121% in today’s budget than Osborne stated in his Autumn Statement on 25 November 2015! The total estimated HB cut this parliament is […]
You may have more readers than Joe and we need to get these figures out by as many means possible.
In a way, studying Osborne’s face is rather horrible. Those cold eyes always searching to see what effect he’s having and how people are taking him. The smile is mirthless, the eyes never smile and the mouth looks are though it’s being forced to smile. He’s is always at his worst when he laughs. He can never hide his arrogance. Perhaps we should mention his love of dressing up as a workman, too. Why does he do it?
I think in the C19th somebody said of Robert Peel that he had a smile resembling the brass plate on a coffin lid: ditto Osborne. Ted Heath was a bit like it too.
It was Disraeli that said it of Peel and it was a silver plate.