Stephen Crabb: A few fun facts about the new Work and Pensions secretary
No, he isn’t a mutant crab. That was a bad joke.
Not a joke is his apparent belief that people who are gay can be cured of it. He is on record as having taken interns from a charity called Christian Action Research and Education (CARE), and sponsored a ‘gay cure’ event run by the same organisation in 2012.
Perhaps he thinks serious illnesses and disabilities like cancer, Parkinson’s disease and amputated limbs can also be cured. Let’s face it, everyone carrying out Work Capability Assessments seems to have that belief, so he wouldn’t be alone.
He believes in smacking children, and has boasted about it in an interview:
He merrily voted for all previous cuts to sickness and disability benefits, including the recent £30-per-week cut to Employment and Support Allowance.
Oh – he also employed his wife, and his expenses claims should undergo considerable scrutiny as well:
So he’s not yet in the same league as Iain Duncan Smith, the man he is replacing.
Or is he?
Perhaps there is more information yet to come out.
Plus, of course, he’s bound to make announcements that are extremely creative about the facts – probably very soon.
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i wish it was this crabb ? just like me he is :)
He may not be in the same naughty league as IDS, but now he’s inherited IDS’s mantle he may well grow into it – the naughty league, not the mantle. His form is promising.
And what has he done for Wales? There is a vicious campaign, coming from Westminster by the Tories to badmouth the Welsh assembly Government in advance of the May Elections.What else would you expect?
To be fair Jenny, they don’t need his help.
hes a tory yes man and welsh. voted for all of Camerons policies has no integrity and is a supporter of Parry Jones a pembs councillor who has been proven to lack integrity.
won wouldnt want a crabb on ones body they are a parasite causing much agony one thinks this imp will be just has bad has rtu ids
We need a gay bashing Work and Pensions Secretary about as much as we need a scavenging, cannibalistic, bottom feeding crab.
he sponsored “gay cure events”, that by itself makes him a dangerous bigot.
This politicioning lark doesn’t seem a bad little number 74 grand with expenses which can more than double your basic salary, does anybody become an MP to actually represent people? I know there are a few good ‘uns, JC, Dennis and John but most just seem to be on the fiddle including my own useless Tub Of Lard Tory Bitch who only shows up in the constituency when there’s a free meal and pint of real ale on offer, she doesn’t live in the constituency yet claims £140k in expenses?
I’ve seen him on QT a couple of times and he comes across as another incompetent, clueless, out of touch, privileged, pompous, arrogant, posh tory boy, that’s him never to appear on QT again!
A friend wrote this on my facebook:”I think it’s very unfair on the Blue crab.
I would have compared him with the Chinese mitten crab – both are bottom dwelling detritivores, but the mitten crab is a highly invasive burrowing species, first seen climbing out of the Thames in 1995.
It walks rather than swims, can tolerate a lot of pollution, damages infrastructure and clogs drainage systems.” Yeah, that sounds about right!
Quite apart from this person, one which you should WATCH is Edward Leigh, Conservative MP for gainsborough. He is a registered Barrister and I think he is one the ones pulling the strings from his backbench position to influence Conservative party policy. He is not one to want his name up in lights but HE is one of the dirtiest buggers in that party. He has consistently in his history voted against anything which could enable disabled people. Don’t take my word for it, check it out. He is a monster.