Barack Obama says David Cameron allowed Libya to become a ‘s*** show’
Happier days: Mr Obama was more at home with David Cameron when they and Danish PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt took smiling selfies disrespectfully at Nelson Mandela’s funeral.
This is posted in response to a request from a commenter.
It’s worth noting that the UK’s record on interventions in foreign countries is appalling. Where was the exit strategy for the first Gulf War, or the second? What about Afghanistan?
Libya is not the only country suffering due to UK interference – not at all.
Barack Obama has sharply criticised David Cameron for the UK’s role in allowing Libya to become a “shit show” after the fall of the dictator Muammar Gaddafi, in an unprecedented attack on a British leader by a serving US President.
Mr Obama said that following a successful military intervention to aid rebels during the 2011 Arab Spring revolt, Libya was left to spiral out of control – due largely to the inaction of America’s European allies.
Singling out the British Prime Minister, he suggested that Mr Cameron had taken his eye off Libya after being “distracted by a range of other things”.
Mr Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy, then the French President, pushed hard for the bombing raids on Colonel Gaddafi’s forces that led to his fall, but since 2011 Libya has sunk further into violence and civil war, and latterly has become a focal point for Isis in North Africa.
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Barack Obama is indeed correct
Cameron had no UN mandate to go to war and had got no safeguards built in to protect the lives of innocent people nor any Strategy once Muammar Gaddafi had fallen
like all things from a Conservative government it was half baked with no thought whatsoever on Libyas secured future for a safer middle east
To be fair no one had an exit strategy for any of the interventions in the middle east, it just seems to be a case of protect the oil and that’s it.
This is linked very closely to the refugee crisis, but in more ways than most people realise. The reason Colonel Ghaddafi stopping being arch-villain of the Anglo-American universe after the turn of the millennium was that he and the West came to one of those deals we are ‘not supposed to notice’. His Libyan regime was the main gateway for refugees from Africa on the road to Europe. Western Governments therefore came to an ‘understanding’ with Ghaddafi that, if he curtailed the flow of refugees via his country to Europe, they would cease trying to destabilise his Government.
The fall of Ghaddafi re-opened the gate, so to speak.
Thanks for this article. I personally would like to bitch slap both of them. The only difference between Obama and Cameroon is that the former can ride roughshod over the wishes of the US citizenry since the senate and Congress are all “probably” bought and paid for and Cameroon didn’t dare order bombing while Labour were in the opposite aisle, after so many Brits branded Blair a “War Criminal”. Most notably because of Corbyn, Cameroon sought Parliamentary approval for bombing Syria, just so he could stand eye to shoulder with Obama.
We now have the same scenario being played out in Turkey. When the migrants find somewhere else to escape to(because they will not want to stay in Turkey – Erdogan refused to include the clause on Human Rights) – the EU will withdraw their offer of financial incentives and throw Erdogan under the bus. Just as Obama is doing with Cameroon now.
camrron and most european politicians use Libya as a distracting media factor when questions of unfairness, inequalities, and eroding freedoms are raised.