First Jeremy Corbyn, now Donald Trump opposes nuclear weapons
It turns out the UK’s Jeremy Corbyn was a trailblazer, not a dud, when it came to nuclear weapons.
Only a few months after Mr Corbyn was pilloried in the press for his anti-nuclear opinions, Donald Trump has admitted similar sentiments – albeit a little more guardedly.
Mr Trump is the frontrunner to gain the Republican nomination in this year’s US Presidential election.
Will the UK press treat him with the same disdain it gave Mr Corbyn?
In an interview with the Washington Post’s editorial board, Trump said:
“Well I just think we have much bigger risks. I mean I think we have militarily tremendous risks. I think we’re in tremendous peril. I think our biggest form of climate change we should worry about is nuclear weapons.
“I don’t want to use, I don’t want to start the process of nuclear.”
Source: Donald Trump actually said this when asked if he’d use a nuclear weapon
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I can’t help worrying that this will be used to attack Corbyn. Trump is about the last person any politician on Earth would want agreeing with them.
Trump agreeing with Corbyn about anything must be a black mark against Corbyn. They do have similarities though. They have lots of support but narrowly focused. They are disliked by their own party’s elected representatives. Neither will get elected.
Don’t be ridiculous. Just because Trump is an acknowledged fool doesn’t mean he can’t have a good idea every once in a while. And he’s a fool in a very good position right now.
Oh yes, and he’s slightly more right-wing than your David Cameron, who is also a fool.
Corbyn is the only sensible person mentioned in this discussion, and it seems I am the only sensible person taking part in it.
Great mind’s think alike? This will be music to the ears of Hillary Clinton. I bet she’s wetting herself for Trump to win the Republican nomination. With the best will in the world I really can’t see Americans voting for a nuclear disarmer as President were he a genius in every other way imaginable.. which Donald Trump conspicuously isn’t in any way, shape or form.
Changing the subject: Isn’t it a bit weird that a release from Jeremy Corbyn’s office described Iain Duncan Smith as “honourable”. What the heck?
And now there are two of us! Shows how desperately worried some people are that sense may prevail and swords may be beaten into ploughshares. Apparently no money in farm equipment! Jeremy you have changed the mind of one fool at present on the world stage- well done!
Some of these comments are more concerned with a person’s political preferences.
I personally don’t care much for Trump but for me this is one step in the right direction and has no connection with Jeremy Corbyn whatever; other than a coincidence of views on this particular matter.
That’s a good point, and relates to the one I was trying to make, which was to remark on the possibility that Trump could be treated differently from Corbyn after coming out with the same views.
Trump is renowned for catering to both sides of the argument simply to win favour. It’s all part of the games he plays with the electorate. Don’t take anything he has to say at face value.