Why concentrate on Brussels? Daesh killings of Muslims far outnumber attacks on the West
Sympathy for Brussels while Turkey gets kicked away. While the West may have issues with the Turkish government, why should that country’s people be denied our compassion?
Here’s a simple observation in the name of balance.
One person who won’t understand is the racists who tweeted that he “confronted” a Muslim on the streets and demanded that they justify the Brussels attack. When told “It’s nothing to do with me” he tweeted: “Typical mealy mouthed response.”
On Twitter, that’s like waving a red rag in front of a bull, of course.
This Writer’s favourite revised version of the tweet involves a confrontation with an Irish person who is asked to justify Bono. No doubt there will be more.
The point is, if we can deplore casual racism on Twitter, we should also demand that our news media report the full story of Daesh terrorism, rather than a skewed narrative that encourages such sectarianism.
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I thought there was more ISIS killing of muslims in the middle east. I mean we all know muslim against muslim is primarily whats going on over there
Why don’t we concentrate on the vulnerable disability people dead and dying in ATU’s (Assessment Treatment Units) Like Southern Health and the rest. And give Sarah Siobhan the justice she is fighting for the death of LB. How many Politicians have stepped forward to stop this evil. Sorry didn’t catch that name could you repeat it, oh funny its all gone quiet.
How many Muslim people have been killed in the invasion and occupation of Iraq, the bombing of Libya and Syria? The death toll must run into hundreds of thousands.
Or millions?
Whether people want to admit it or not, far too many British “citizens” are prejudiced bigots and love any opportunity to lavish it on the victims of their pathetic saddo thinking. That goes for the press as well, how many of the mainstream media give a s**t about the deaths of “rag heads” – yes they are still called that? They are just as supportive of anti Muslim hate as the bigoted gits, but would never admit it. But then they don’t need to, it manifests itself in the very fact that they have no interest in tragedies so often reported in the peoples/alternative/social media and can’t be arsed to mention them let alone make a headline of the events. I hear the comments about “yabbering in their own language” and “walking around in their pyjamas” and yet we live in foreign parts and “talk in our own language” and “dress” inappropriately – but that’s OK, cos we’re “not like them”.
Time we acknowledged that we tolerate and often identify with the bigots instead of saying outright what we think of their glib arrogant discriminatory remarks. If more of us said “Oh dear, your’e one of “THEM” are you?” they’d soon get the hint.