After the Brussels attacks, here’s an antidote to the anti-Muslim hatred we’re seeing
Chris Herbert said someone had tried to recruit him for “anti Muslim propaganda” and called on people to stop blaming all those of a particular faith for the actions of a minority [Image: Chris Herbert].
He’s a former British soldier who lost his leg in a bombing in Iraq.
Last year he wrote a Facebook post that was shared more than 44,000 times, railing against people who assumed he would hate Muslims for what happened to him. He doesn’t.
He knows that his injury had very little to do with religion and everything to do with hatred.
That post is apparently no longer on Facebook, but somebody had the foresight to save it, and here it is:
The message is very simple: Don’t give in to hate, people.
When you do, the bad guys win.
(With apologies to Mr Herbert for putting him in the spotlight again.)
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What an amazing young man. Hope he and his family have nothing but happiness and harmony for the future. Keep up the good work Mike.
I was very disturbed by the Panorama programme on the 23rd March re ISIS and the terror it created. I mean the programme sustained the terror . I have had several teenagers come to me having seen it and believed every word and image of it and they are scared out of their wits. The presenter at the end said ” The outlook is bleak” after having spent an hour explaining how ISIS intends to conquer and destroy us all. I explained about rhetoric and bias. Had they not seen how clever photography can create special effects I said. Yes, an army of thousands, dozens of weapon carrying Toyotas- How many computer games had they see such proliferation of images in? The aim of ISIS is to create terror. Who supplied the footage? To whom? Why had the BBC aired this programme when it did? I just wanted these kids to not accept propaganda but to question question question seek out the facts. Terror and hatred is what I saw in the faces of these kids. What has happened is horrible, but surely we don’y need the BBC doing ISIS work for it?
Yes. Wholeheartedly agree with the comment above. Best of luck, Mike.