Channel 4’s fabulously accurate fact check shows the REAL cost of being in the EU

Last Updated: April 20, 2016By


This is great. Please watch – especially if you’re leaning towards being persuaded by Leave campaigners who inflate the costs massively.


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  1. Dave Rowlands April 20, 2016 at 12:13 pm - Reply

    A lot of Conservative MP’s who voted against giving the poorest in this country help have gained an awful lot of money from the EU, hypocrisy, or just greed?

  2. marmun1mark April 20, 2016 at 12:33 pm - Reply


    “Remain would argue that the money is well spent – boosting trade, jobs and growth”
    Well, that’s to be expected – but that isn’t a fact – much less a “fabulously accurate” fact.

    “And there is no guarantee that we would end up paying nothing to the EU after Brexit.”

    But then there’s no guarantee that we would have to pay anything either. Everything would be up for negotiation and would have a CHOICE based on what would be in our benefit. So, again – not a “fabulously accurate fact” at all.

    If you want to talk about ‘guarantees’, there’s no guarantee what Laws, Fees and Taxes will be imposed upon the member nations once the EU has complete control. We all know that Banks treat their existing customers worse than non-customers and that Governments treat their citizens worse than they treat non-Doms. In what fantasy world do the ‘Remainers’ live that they think the EU would behave any differently once the EU has complete control and we cede any realistic options to change that which we don’t like? It’s bad eneough. How bad might it be when decsions are made by people who don’t even live here and don’t give damn whether we like them or what they’ve imnposed upon us?

    We don’t know and that’s the REAL unknown. No one in teir right mind would relinquish that kind of control to faceless, unelected strangers. Why should it be any different for our country?

    “We could end up like Norway and have to pay to stay in the EU’s single market.”
    Rubbish! Norway doesn’t HAVE to do anything. It made a business decision and CHOSE to pay rather than being forced to pay whatever a bunch of unelected bureaucrats foist upon them. It can stop if/when circumstances change. No such CHOICE exists once your in the EU.

    BTW, this is the same Norway discussed in this article – No?
    Snip>>: “For Norway the (EEA) arrangement appears to be working well. It is one of the richest and most contented nations on earth, with a GDP per capita of £40,000 – compared to £23,000 in the UK, and an EU average of £21,150.”

    Hard to take seriously alleged “fabulously accurate facts” when details of the bottom line enjoyed buy a nation that has made a success of choosing the alternative, is completely ignored by the report.
    Note: Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein are doing well too. But some countries who left EFTA to join the EU/EEC (Austria, Portugal, Sweden etc.) – not so much. Another “fabulously accurate fact” omission?

    “Last year it cost them (Norway) £134 a person for that privilege.”
    Why would any repsonsible reporting describe the choosing of entering into a negotiated business transaction, ‘a privilege’? It’s an exchange of money for access. If one rents a shop/stall from which to conduct business, is that a privilege too?

    Also, the “fabulously accurate fact checking” conveniently forgets to subtract the money that Norway DOESN’T have to pay the EU as well as the money they have saved by not having to conform to all the EU’s ridiculous and expensive diktats.

    ‘Fabulously accurate fact check”?? – Make me laugh!

    • Mike Sivier May 26, 2016 at 10:59 am - Reply

      Would anybody like to fact-check this comment, please?

  3. Barry Davies April 20, 2016 at 2:35 pm - Reply

    Just think if we leave, and we should we wouldn’t need to get a little back of what we pay in. We would all be better off.

    • Mike Sivier April 26, 2016 at 3:21 pm - Reply

      Not proven.

  4. Terry Davies April 20, 2016 at 3:09 pm - Reply

    I believe that many voters quite rightly dont want to support anything proposed by tories. This makes it difficult for them choosing their EU referendum vote.
    Tories are on both sides of the debate.
    I believe in reality cameron is desperately looking for a credible reason to resign, wants Brexit to succeed for his purposes of avoiding the legacy of blame for divisions in the UK and tory party. the division of dscotland from westminster is imminent. Tory knives being sharpened by backvstabbers like johnson and gove etc who want the PM role.
    I urge voters to vote with their conscience, tories are liars, truth never sits easily with them, dont let them know anything via media surveys.
    media surveys are selective of info they publish and now being used to ‘fix’ elections.

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