Tory MP calling for British troops to risk death for Saudi Arabia is on the Kingdom’s payroll | The Canary
While this is all very interesting, it seems to This Writer that we all know another MP who appears to enjoy a favourable – and reciprocal – relationship with the Saudis.
Here he is now:
David Cameron (and the Conservative Government) seems to have far too close a relationship with Saudi Arabia.
Conservative MP Rehman Chishti is calling for British troops to provide air cover to Saudi ground forces should they enter Syria. Meanwhile, according to parliamentary records, the MP for Gillingham and Rainham is being paid £2,000 a month as an adviser for the Riyadh-based King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies.
As Middle East Monitor reports, the institution’s Chairman is the ex-chief of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence services, Prince Turki Bin Al-Faisal. He served as intelligence chief from 1977-2001 and was known to bankroll jihadist groups in Afghanistan.
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“…we all know another MP who appears to enjoy a favourable – and reciprocal – relationship with the Saudis?…”
I know the answer to this one – it’s the Bush double act !
Oh no! Hang on a minute – they’re US politicians – not British MPs, aren’t they?
clearly human rights apply to tax evaders in the tory party. but they dont apply to saudi dissidents.
dont vote for any tory is the general rule to be adopted if you want to protect your relative in the military.
tories want to use the military like bouncers to bully and let cameron and cronies engratiate themselves with saudi rulers at tax payers expense.
weapons sold for profits will be those of arms dealers and share holder MPs who will squirrel profits away into offshore shares. this tax evasion will be done using the human right to privacy. w**ker walker, and cameron will be in their element licking the boots of saudi rulers who will be visiting london soon.!!!
Will Dodgy Dave come out and call this guy “a terrorist sympathiser”? Why should British troops be sent to fight for a country that are already supplied with arms from Britain to kill Syrians? They have been, and still, killing Yemenis with those same British arms!
I like the picture of Cameron bowing before some Saudi princeling. Actually, the Saudi royal family is self-styled and self- appointed: like most royal families, really.
What Rehman Chisti is really wanting our forces out in the middle east is that it will play well between him and the Saudis.
Rotten to the core.