If ‘part-Kenyan’ Obama may have ‘ancestral dislike’ of UK, what about part Swiss/Turkish/French Johnson?
Barack Obama’s comment about post-Brexit trade negotiations is a threat, but we should handle it appropriately – not with slurs about his racial heritage.
This Writer is trying to devise a good nickname for Mr Johnson. Possibilities include ‘Bore-us’, ‘Bore-arse’ or – in the spirit of people from abroad who appear unintelligent – ‘Borat’.
Mrs Mike prefers ‘twat’.
Johnson’s anti-Obama comments follow the US president’s comment, during his visit to the UK, that if this country leaves the European Union it will be at the “back of the queue” in trade negotiations.
That’s clearly a threat, and the UK shouldn’t let it pass.
But we should respond appropriately, and attacking a man’s racial heritage is beyond the pale.
Worse than that, for Bore-us (or Twat, if you must) is that his own words have put his own heritage under the spotlight. And there’s very little of him that is British.
Not only that, but if you look at the political policies he supports, they are based on a hatred of the United Kingdom that most of us have known and loved – and on a desire to turn it into something that more closely resembles the United States.
What a confused man.
It seems Mr Obama has responded to Johnson’s comments, which were based on the movement of a bust of Winston Churchill within the White House. He didn’t mention Johnson by name – possibly because, in the US, ‘Johnson’ is a euphemism for a particular part of the male anatomy – but the implications were clear.
More harmful to Bore-us himself should be the reaction by Churchill’s descendent Nicholas Soames, another Tory MP, who described Johnson’s words as “deplorable” and “completely idiotic”.
Boris Johnson has criticised the US president Barack Obama and suggested his attitude to Britain might be based on his “part-Kenyan” heritage and “ancestral dislike of the British empire”.
Mr Johnson’s column [in The Sun] comes on the day Mr Obama visits Britain to encourage the UK to stay in the [European Union].
The US president is expected to tell a town-hall style meeting that the EU helps the UK achieve greater opportunity and prosperity.
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I call him ‘BoJob’.
And I laughed out loud.
Having been to kenya and met many kenyans i feel entitled to have my say.
generally kenyans are friendly albeit they vote tribally rather than the best person. they are likeable and have communities which are supportive of each other As a foreigner you pay a foreigner’s fee for access to museums etc.
Roads and infrastructure are improving slowly and motoring is a unique experience you will never have in the UK or EU.
however johnston is not justified in suggesting all kenyans hate the UK and Europeans.
Corruption is endemic throughout political and educational cultures, Health and education are poorly funded with no welfare benefits being paid at times of hardship.
the queen was visiting kenya before being asked to return for her coronation.
media will be no doubt using johnston’s pseudo racism to sell newspapers and propogate false information which relegates johnston to buffoonery status. best to not give credit to anything johnston says because he is disingenuine, lacks morals and has a completely undesirable personality to communicate truth about the EU.
JohnSON, not Johnston.
Far too many UK citizens vote tribally, too – the number of people supporting the Conservative Party here in Brecon and Radnorshire will be around 9,000 on polling day – as it has been since the first Assembly elections. So we can’t blame the Kenyans on even that level!
With public school education, I thought having a bore arse johnson was compulsory?
So, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, part American, part British, part Turkish, part French, has described himself as a “one-man melting pot”—with a combination of Muslims, Jews, and Christians as great-grandparents. POT-KETTLE-BLACK?
On the subject of pigs I’m with Mrs. Mike.As Farmer Hoggett would say
“twat’ll do nicely”
“That’s clearly a threat, and the UK shouldn’t let it pass”. The thing is Obama is a lame duck President, he does not have the power to impose any trade sanctions on the UK for leaving the eu, the white house was horrified at his comment because the claim was clearly untrue and likely to create tension between the UK and America. Obama having generally failed in his 8 years as President is looking for somewhere to quack and has done nothing other than a favour for Cameron in making yet another project fear claim for the remain campaign. He will disappear on 8/11/16 and become a footnote in history as the first black president and nothing else.
So, two presidents in a row who have generally failed, then.
Maybe Obama was experiencing a instinctual tribal aversion to that trusty British socioeconomic and civic reform ‘nudge’ method that was used in Kenya to put down the Mau Mau uprising: Concentration Camp Internment?
But then I suspect History was not one of Boorish’s favourite subjects at school.