Tory MPs call for academies plan to be dropped from Queen’s speech
Education secretary Nicky Morgan has been asked to appear before the 1922 Committee of Conservative backbenchers to discuss plans to force schools to become academies [Image: Teri Pengilley for the Guardian].
Tory MPs are calling on the education secretary, Nicky Morgan, to ensure that plans to force all state schools to become academies are not included in next month’s Queen’s speech, following warnings from Conservative whips that they face inevitable defeat in the House of Commons.
With anger over the proposals rising in Tory ranks, Morgan has been asked to appear before the 1922 Committee of Conservative backbenchers before the Queen’s speech on 18 May, with many of the party’s own MPs demanding that she goes back to the drawing board to avoid a parliamentary bloodbath.
With a majority of just 17 in the Commons, Tory whips believe legislation on “forced academisation” would have no chance of passing through parliament unless the policy was watered down and the compulsory element removed.
Source: Tory MPs call for academies plan to be dropped from Queen’s speech | Education | The Guardian
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How many more thing will this government make a mess of?
hopefully destruction of the entire tory party is nigh. dont vote for any tory councillor or salaried mayor.
Thicky Nicky – no reverse gear – like that three wheeler Reliant Robin featured in “Only Fools and Horses.”
Yet another Tory “I just had an epiphany! Let’s do this.” policy. No thought behind it, just “oh, that’s a good idea, it’ll help our tax-dodging, big business mates!”.
How does any Tory “policy” get agreed then? For Education for example did Ms Morgan just have an eureka moment and decide that all schools should become Academies? Or did she only get the job after Cameron told her what to do? Did the Cabinet discuss and agree to it without sounding out back benchers first? Sounds awfully like Cameron is “doing a Hitler” whereby he just “suggests” to a subordinate that this is what he wants but never has his fingerprints on the idea so that he can blame it on someone else. That is how the Jewish Final Solution became a fait compli although Hitler was never brought to account for it. Cameron may not be so lucky!