Confused about human rights, Theresa May? Here’s Sir Patrick Stewart
The clip shows Sir Patrick Stewart getting the kind of advice Theresa May really needed before she opened her mouth earlier today (April 25).
This is the perfect antidote to Theresa May’s nonsense about the UK quitting the European Convention on Human Rights – which this country wrote, let’s not forget.
Shortly after she made her exquisitely-misguided outburst, this sketch appeared on The Guardian‘s website, in which Sir Patrick Stewart, Adrian Scarborough and Sarah Solemani expose the problems in the Conservative plan for a UK bill of rights.
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Haha, nice one Sir Xavier!
Brilliant . Thank you Mike
Wouldn’t it just serve tory purposes? No proper justice, kangaroo courts, no trade unions, just the tories doing to people what they’d like to do.
I don’t understand something Mike, Wasn’t Winston Churchill one of the the architects of the human rights? If so, then he was also a Tory, so why are the present Tories wanting to strip away what the previous Tories had put in place? I can believe that this government is stupid, but I can’t believe they would actually want another holocaust, but then again???? As long as the poor, sick and disabled are the ones who are suffering. It makes what Winston Churchill and the others, did for us, look like a mockery!
I can understand the former BNP taking such action, but not this government! But then all they care about is money and status!!!
Well’Well Well. it’s all in the Mind ?this Human Right’s’? it only applies to the one’s that can obtain: Legal Aid ? Trust me I have been to the Court of so-called Human Right’s 3 times in the last 7 years, Boy have I been striped of my Right’s by the Council,the Custom’s,by Court’s that are also,??? ‘Public Sector’ all I seem to get,”It must have got lost between department’s” the Judges own word’s (When I proved it was sent ?but still lost the case) I work,I own my own house ,I find this is against you when applying for a judgement,the first word’s are, Are you on Benefit’s?I rest my case.
He was a Tory .. and then a Liberal .. and then a Tory …. so turn-coating is nothing new
But also trying to compare Tories then to now, or Labour or liberals is daft. Apples and Orranges
magic in the tradition of Arts for Labour humour defeated thatcher.
Is Theresa May a member the People’s Popular Front of the UK or a is she a member of the UK People’s Popular Front?
Many people still only associate human rights with terrorist or criminal appeals, and don’t realise how they protect ordinary, dare I say it… ‘hardworking people who do the right thing’.
Some who I speak to about our Bedroom Tax case [and the others], don’t know that our case is based on Human Rights legislation, and without these rights, we probably wouldn’t have a case at all, because the government could literally do what they like.
Human Rights are vital to everyone’s lives and must be protected at all costs.
My comment got lost for a day, but is now awaiting moderation!!
I thought I approved it a few hours ago!
Thanks for posting this – watching that vid taught me a lot more than I already knew about the ECHR!
I’ve briefly posted about it, using a link back to you :)