Morgan’s academisation plan is going around the S-bend, not a U-turn
Ms Morgan has repeatedly insisted there will be no U-turn in the plans. What we’re hearing today seems to prove that claim correct [Image: Getty].
Nicky Morgan’s “dramatic” change of her plan to turn all English schools into privately-owned academies is to let councils own some of them. Big deal.
We have established that at least one academy trust is using tax avoidance schemes to funnel public money into private offshore bank accounts, so perhaps we should be asking what Thicky Nicky is offering, here.
Is she trying to bribe councils by letting them have a piece of that lovely tax-free offshore pie as well?
In any case, we should ask one important question:
How, exactly, is this supposed to improve education standards when academies are so far behind LEA-run schools?
Nicky Morgan is reportedly planning to make a dramatic U-turn over the policy to force all schools to transform into academies, amid a looming Tory rebellion in the Commons.
In a significant concession to backbenchers the Education Secretary is considering allowing the best-performing councils to run their own academy chains.
The original plan – unveiled by the Chancellor George Osborne at his Budget speech last month – intends to turn 18,600 state schools into academies within six years. Those who have not been converted must have plans in place to do so by 2022.
But in a sign of the opposition Ms Morgan faces from within her own party, one Conservative MP described the flagship education policy as “f***ing poison” to The Times.
With a majority of just 17 in the Commons, and a rebel number of up to 40 MPs, the government will be forced to water down the policy if it is to pass through the House. It will be a considerable blow to Ms Morgan who has repeatedly insisted there will be no U-turn in the plans.
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Thicky Nicky is the Reliant Robin of the tory party: she has no reverse gear.
There is no evidence that academies are better than normal schools, it seems like a way to break teachers like ethyl did the miners.
The She Devil does a U turn, amazing, what are the academy share holders waiting in then background going to say about that, one wonders.
When are this government ever going to see common sense and use a bit of logic, do they not accept the resentment across the whole country.
The same with the Doctors, intelligent people being dictated to by an idiot that resembles a fox.
It can’t continue for much longer and we are now all aware they bought the election.
When are the citizens of the UK going to wake up and support a vote of no confidence on this shower.
The Telegraph’s James Kirkup last week reported one possible concession, to allow the best performing councils to run their own multi-academy trust (MAT) chains. Today, the Times repeats that but also says Morgan is looking at plans to allow councils to continue to force academies to take pupils with special needs and to expand to meet demand for new places.
Labour is unimpressed, pointing out NiMo (Morgan’s nickname among spads) had privately offered the MATs (multi academy trust) plan to Tory MPs in the last fortnight – and many had been singularly unmoved. Lucy Powell thinks the concession is not sufficient and the key test will be if the Queen’s Speech bill has powers over good and outstanding schools.
In another education nightmare, nurseries are warning that parents will need to give up work to look after their children – if the government doesn’t axe the requirement for nursery staff to have at least a C in GCSE English and maths.
June O’Sullivan chief executive of the London Early Years Foundation had a startling statistic on the Today prog: apprentice numbers have dropped by 96% since the new rules in September. Of course many privately run nurseries are already struggling with the bottom line over the Government’s free childcare expansion.
edited from The Waugh Zone