Don’t miss this: Ministers refuse to say if they implemented 10 measures to save lives

Last Updated: May 19, 2016By

160519 Whitehall
I think we can safely assume they didn’t, until they provide any proof to the contrary.

Ministers have refused to say if they implemented 10 measures – recommended by their own civil servants – that would have made it less likely that “vulnerable” benefit claimants would lose their lives.

The 10 recommendations were taken from some of the 49 heavily-redacted, secret “peer reviews” that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) finally published this week after losing a 21-month legal battle with Disability News Service (DNS).

Although key parts of the peer reviews are missing, DNS has found 10 key recommendations for national action to improve the way the department treats vulnerable benefit claimants, many of whom will have mental health conditions or learning difficulties.

Many of the 49 reviews relate to the process of applying for the out-of-work disability benefit employment and support allowance (ESA)*, through the much-criticised work capability assessment (WCA) process.

And many of the reviews – 40 of which refer to suicides – relate to the ongoing process to reassess long-term claimants of incapacity benefit (IB) through the WCA.

Read the recommendations here: Ministers refuse to say if they implemented 10 measures to save lives


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  1. toocomplex4justice May 19, 2016 at 7:39 pm - Reply

    They break the rules and law to commit crimes against claimants anyway in various ways, but hide behind generic email addresses and names so there is no such person if you try to report their hate crimes against disabled people. If they decide to destroy you they will. They will call you to taunt you about what they intend to do and then send a letter explaining how they are goin to do it using the rules or arbitrary decisions against you

  2. Brian May 19, 2016 at 11:51 pm - Reply

    Of course the measures were never implemented, because that would contradict their edict, to reduce the disabled population through death.

  3. Rupert Mitchell (@rupert_rrl) May 20, 2016 at 6:42 am - Reply

    The DWP is not fit for its purpose all the time we have the Tories in charge. It should be there to assist people not to deprive them of human rights; which is another important reason to remain in the EUWITHOUT TTIP!

    I admire successful people and don’t want to deprive them of their successes and good fortunes but having become successful (for whatever reason) they should be happy to pay a little more tax after the first couple of £million to help run the country and assist those not able to be so successful in life.

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