Call for Tory chairman to resign amid electoral fraud allegations
The SNP has called on the Conservative party chairman to step down while police investigate electoral fraud allegations.SNP MP Pete Wishart said it was unacceptable for Lord Feldman, a close friend and ally of David Cameron, to remain in his post.
The Conservatives face a series of police investigations into claims they breached strict election spending rules by failing to record accommodation and transport costs for activists and officials campaigning in marginal seats.
Source: SNP call on Conservative chairman to resign amid electoral fraud allegations (From Herald Scotland)
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I’d rather wait until he, and others, have been arrested and charged.
sounds like a reasonable suggestion and gives the whole investigation some gravitas that reflects just how serious electoral system should be run. We need this total integrity and fairness to shine above third world and corrupt regime voting systems. We are supposed to be the best democractic system although dodgy Dave winning the last election based on only a quarter of the population voting for him begs the question that some work needed for proportional representation to be looked at.
The investigations already launched could (and most likely will) lead right to the top, which makes all Tory MPs fair game, as those investigations have been launched and been granted extra time under the statutes.
Clearly, the computers at Conservative party headquarters and those of any branch involved (directly or indirectly) can be seized as evidence, and as it seems probable that this was a serious and organised criminal conspiracy, those of the backers who funded it.
That must add up to a lot of very deep pockets from which to reclaim sufficient funds to fully compensate the victims of the psychopathic junta who have hijacked our government, once the illegal acts they’ve passed under the pretence of legitimacy have been (as they must be) reversed, retrospectively – both the savage attacks on the poorest and the huge handouts to the richest <1%.
Failing a proper legal implementation of such a policy, there's always the old fashioned way, using pitchforks and torches. Self defence is no crime, after all.
Cameron should be dumped also.