Corbyn seizes chance to change course of EU referendum as Cameron crawls away
He is accepting that he has become a liability, and that is not the sort of thing his backbenchers will allow to pass unnoticed – so he’ll face troubled times, no matter what the result.
Now Jeremy Corbyn has a chance to make his mark. Let’s hope it isn’t too late, because even if it is, he’ll be blamed for a ‘Leave’ result by right-wingers in his party. We all know that, right?
Regarding the arguments, This Writer can only reiterate what I told a friend on Facebook earlier today:
Immigration is not the black beast that we’ve all been told it is. Migrants haven’t run the NHS and other public services into the ground – that was done by Conservative MPs. They haven’t taken all the housing – Conservative MPs simply haven’t built enough because they want house prices to increase. They do provide a net boost to the UK economy that is important because the indigenous population is falling, meaning without migrant workers we would be unable to support the older generation’s pensions until such time as the population stabilised.
But let’s not leave it there:
Anyone who claims the EU is an unelected bureaucracy that forces regulations on the UK without us having any input is lying; we can modify or veto any EU legislation before it gets anywhere near us and everything that has come into force in the UK has been passed by the UK Parliament.
Many of the rights that are vital for people of the UK were enshrined in EU law that was later ratified in the UK. So things like four weeks’ holiday every year for people working full-time, sick pay, holiday pay, maternity and paternity leave all came from Europe. It is likely that a Conservative government would scrap all of these if the UK leaves Europe. Look at the reliance on zero-hours contracts as a means of getting around the EU legislation.
Oh yeah, and some people say staying in will inflict the privatisation-supporting Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement on us, forcing down the quality of manufactured products and workers’ pay. But David Cameron or his successor would sign an agreement of their own, outside of the EU, that would most likely be much more harmful to the rest of us than any the EU might agree.
Have I missed anything important?
Jeremy Corbyn will mobilise Labour’s entire shadow cabinet and the leaders of three major trade unions amid growing alarm among remain campaigners that Britain could be on the verge of voting to leave the EU.
David Cameron has stood aside from active campaigning in order to make way for a push by Labour , as the party’s MPs admit that the response on the doorstep in its heartlands suggests leave campaigners’ warnings about immigration are making significant inroads.
Speaking at an event in central London, Corbyn will issue “an appeal to the whole labour movement and Labour supporters across Britain to support a remain vote in next week’s referendum”. There are fears that voters do not realise that the vast majority of Labour MPs support staying in the EU.
Source: Corbyn to flex Labour’s muscles as alarm grows over EU referendum | Politics | The Guardian
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Gordon Brown hay the man who killed the dentist the man who sold our gold under priced to his mates whot a labour man hay just another tory man
Camoron is only setting Jeremy Corbyn up to take the blame if the Brexiters win. He’s very slimy like that.
I just hope Jeremy hasn’t left it too late and that the media reports what he is saying.