Vote for me, or I will refuse to recognise your vote | Kanjin Tor

Last Updated: July 10, 2016By


This is the attitude of the rebellious members of the Parliamentary Labour Party. Isn’t it?

These last 2 weeks have uncovered to us, the normal ordinary Labour Voters and Members, just how morally bankrupt and corrupt the Parliamentary Labour Party became under the Blairites.

We now know that the PLP as a general whole, has no love for Democracy, in fact some of the 172 MP’s plotting against Corbyn have openly sneered the democratic choices of Labour Voters.

We also now clear that the Blairites swamped the whole of the PLP with people of their own kind, right wing extremists posing as socialists.  They are nothing of the sort.  Their actions these last two weeks prove that whatever integrity they once possessed has long ago been sacrificed in the pursuit of their own mammon and political ambition, for what else can explain the collusion of 172 MP’s, over a ten month period, to act so aggressively against the direct wishes of The Labour Party’s own members?

Their continued actions and words have revealed to The People, that the PLP has a complete and utter contempt for the ordinary Labour Members, and hold their views, their desires, their demand for social justice, in equal contempt.

Owen Smith MP say’s loudly that  “He is not prepared to see the Labour Party Split by Jeremy Corbyn,”  as he launches himself as a candidate for the leadership of the Party?

This begs the obvious question doesn’t it?

He wants your vote but he will not allow the ordinary members to have their Democratically Elected choice of Leader because members voted for Jeremy Corbyn?

It is the same with Angela Eagle?

She wants’ to be leader of the Labour Party, and she will be demanding your democratic vote, but will not respect your previous democratic choice because members democratically chose Jeremy Corbyn?

There used to be a name for that kind of behaviour…

Source: Kanjin Tor: Vote for me, or I will refuse to recognise your Vote?


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  1. autismandate July 10, 2016 at 11:56 pm - Reply

    The only reason as to why the Labour plp wants Corbyn out is nothing to do with policies, its because they are frightened of loosing their lifetime grooming to well heel themselves into their privileged Westminster power clique. Their whole way of life and self image is now threatened by Corbyn’s new way of doing politics. They are scared stiff and clinging together because all their pretentious gloss and inverted snobbery will be shown to be a sham. They just cant bear the thought of being brought back to being Socialist.

  2. Phil Lee July 11, 2016 at 2:07 am - Reply

    They’ve broken (if indeed they ever agreed with) the undertaking they MUST have given on their applications to join the Labour party – that they agreed with it’s policies and ideals. So they can be kicked out on those grounds, making their de=selection automatic.
    As their treachery seems to go right back to their original attempt to take over the Labour party, they should each be sued for the return of all funds spent by the Labour party on getting them elected, as their applications (and therefore membership and selection) were clearly fraudulent, so they have obtained their positions by deception, and should be held liable for all the costs the Labour party has incurred by their presence.
    And a bankrupt can’t sit in parliament, so they would have to resign their seats as well (instead of crossing the house to their natural home with the tories), and there would have to be by-elections, where they could be replaced by real Labour MPs, supportive of the Labour party’s aims and policies – and prepared to abide by it’s constitution, which this bunch have shown beyond question they aren’t.
    Time for some mass ejections and civil actions for debt recovery. The nation should sue them for return of all their salaries and expenses which have been paid to them as MPs as a direct result of their deception, but I doubt this would happen while the Tories are in power.
    It just goes to show how desperate the Tories were to suppress any opposing view, that they tried to take over the opposition – it must have been obvious to them a long time ago that robbing the poor to give to the rich (which just about sums up Tory policy) would never be a platform on which they could be elected if there was any real opposition. There needs to be a judicial inquiry or royal commission to probe whether this was a plot led by someone IN the Tory party, or a separate group merely sympathetic to their aims. I find it unlikely that they would not have at least known about the plot, and probable that they hatched it themselves. It was simply too big to have happened without some kind of central planning.

  3. mohandeer July 11, 2016 at 2:58 am - Reply

    The actions of the 172 MP’s has already proven their utter contempt for the membership, but the last two weeks has pretty much sealed the fate of the New Labour Party with the way they have behaved. By my reckoning and in a reflection of so many Labour members I have been talking to, if the back stabbing traitors do get rid of Corbyn, approx. 40% of the country will not be voting Labour in the next General Election. Some have said they will vote for the largest Socialist group available, some have said they will vote Green and others are stating that Jeremy Corbyn should fight to keep the Labour name or stand as an Independent calling himself “True Labour” and/or “Old Labour” and that he should mount a legal battle for the name. Without it the 172 MP’s will note be able to continue in their posts, because legally they would not be Labour. Be it a very small number of representation, it turns out that in 2010 four of the staunch Labour Party voters had voted Lib Dems, this was a question I had not asked on a previous survey. Caroline Lucas’ policies are not achievable under the FPTP system but Corbyn is likely to pursue many of those same goals and I seriously believe that the Greens should ally themselves with Corbyn’s Labour. The Green Party is likely to garner much greater support in 2020 and most of those votes will come from Labour, unless Lucas can see beyond her own self indulgence and climb down off her big white charger. I want genuine environmental policy change, only possible through a Corbyn led government.

  4. PitBoy July 11, 2016 at 8:42 am - Reply

    “There used to be a name for that kind of behaviour…”


    • Mike Sivier July 16, 2016 at 2:50 pm - Reply

      You want to be careful where you say that (apparently)!

  5. Phil Woodford July 11, 2016 at 9:00 am - Reply

    We can all make disastrous mistakes. The Tories elected IDS and then had to get rid of him. Much the same thing is now happening in the Labour Party.

    • Mike Sivier July 16, 2016 at 2:48 pm - Reply

      Oh, please. You can’t seriously think Labour will elect Angela Eagle or Owen Smith and then have to get rid of them!

  6. mrmarcpc July 11, 2016 at 1:48 pm - Reply

    Red tories stirring things up again!

  7. Colin Wilkes July 11, 2016 at 2:17 pm - Reply

    On July 7th 2016, St.Helens South and Whiston CLP held an open meeting for all labour party members within the constituency, to support Jeremy Corbyn. The motion for support was voted for and passed unanimously.

    On the same night, the CLP for St. Helens North held a meeting, in a different building, in the town. This meeting was a closed meeting for delegates to the CLP only. The purpose of this meeting was to vote on a motion of NO CONFIDENCE in Jeremy Corbyn. Nine days previous to this meeting there had been Ward Meetings held which had no discussion on the political situation within the Party and no delegates had any mandate to vote on such a motion. The motion was overwhelmingly passed.

    The MP for St.Helens North is none other than Conor McGinn.

  8. terry jager July 11, 2016 at 7:21 pm - Reply

    If it’s true …. Angela Eagles own constituency have voted in favor of Jeremy Corbin AND now have tabled a motion of no confidence in miss eagle ,if passed who would she be representing in this leadership challenge ? certainly not her local community ( of prime importance as a Labour value) National membership ? not from what anyone has seen (hence trying to keep him off the ballot) , could it be the 9 million plus general Labour voter’s at large , you know the one’s who used their own method of deselection for Ed Balls a fine upstanding “moderate”, among others
    Before rejoining the party i took the time to read the rules for this leadership contest
    it states quiet clearly what challengers are required to achieve to mount a challenge , it makes no mention what so ever as to requirements of the incumbent leader anywhere that i could see ( very odd) the only conclusion i could draw ( using contract law ) is :- if not stated or even inter-mated it is not required (simplistic , i know) This raises two questions …..
    First – any MP who loses the confidence of their local constituency ,Do they have the right to mount a challenge ?
    Second – denying Mr Corbin a place on the ballot without stated requirements (other than hastily penning them in at the next meeting) would be on what grounds other than prejudice ?

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