What kind of Labour leader helps UKIP win votes, Owen Smith?
It seems Owen Smith’s judgement is under question again, after claims were made that he helped UKIP win votes in the 2014 EU election.
He turned up on television in Barry, standing in front of an advertising van (the same kind used by Theresa May to tell illegal immigrants to “go home”) with an anti-UKIP message. Here’s the shot:
![[Image: Barry and District News.]](https://voxpoliticalonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/160805-Owen-Smith-UKIP-van.jpg)
[Image: Barry and District News.]
While the message – that UKIP were basically Tories in disguise – was writ large, it was easy to pass over. But the picture and the logo weren’t. There was nothing to show this was part of a Labour campaign other than the legally-required line at the bottom.
Can you guess what happened on polling day?
UKIP came top with 9,577 votes – more than 1,600 more than Labour’s 7,926. They even beat the Tories (9,190). But then, they did have help.
The commenter who brought the matter to This Writer’s attention told me: “Having shown the image of Owen Smith standing in front of the Farage/Thatcher image, which is supposed to be a Welsh Labour ad-van, to several people – Labour supporters and not – they were astonished that Owen could have done something as stupid as using a pic of Farage with a Thatcher mug and a UKIP logo in a purple-coloured surround.
“If Owen thought this was a good judgement call, how sound would he really be as a party leader?”
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Mr Two Face
This being the same Owen Smith who thought (well, possibly not thought tbh) that it was a good idea to be sending people a text at 4am to ask if they’d be supporting him…
PR really isn’t his strongest skill, he seems more of a contortionist with his continual foot in mouth antics.
Similar situation with Corbyn I’m friends with hamas comments that’s all we need a labour leader friends with a terrorist organisation.
Those comments have been exhaustively explained; he was being polite in order to encourage a constructive working relationship in the name of peace. See my article on the latest allegation against Mr Corbyn, for further information.
But then, you probably knew it already. So, why were you trying to mislead This Blog’s readers?
Why are you even attempting to make excuses for Corbyn. In front of a parliamentary committee Corbyn said and sorry but I quote”. With forethought i might have used different words “. Meaning he said it and that’s the end of the argument. Believe this Corbyn as daid he would discuss the Falklands situation with Argentina well that’s not on the cards being the Falkland islanders have stated quite clearly they have no wish to become part of Argentina. There wishes are paramount plus the fact we fought there junta to free the islands and again that’s that. Now let’s look at his plans for the uk most are tried and tested aand did not work so most intelligent people understand they won’t eork now. Being Im working class and proud of that fact and I have voted labour all my life along with all my family and friends I can tell you Corbyn is not and never will be trusted with his anti core voter policy’s.
“With forethought I might have used different words” means he regrets the fact that his words have been misinterpreted.
There’s nothing wrong with agreeing to discuss the Falklands with Argentina – nothing has been said about changing the situation.
What on Earth do you mean, suggesting Corbyn’s plans for the UK have been tried and didn’t work? Are you for real? They worked better than the neoliberal claptrap peddled by the Tories.
And where do you get “anti core voter policies” (I corrected the spelling for you)? Labour’s core vote is returning to the party en masse, thanks to Mr Corbyn.
Corbyn said “My friends Hamas true not false and how can such a statement be taken out of context. Also if your old enough to remember he’s policy was tried in the 70 ‘s and they just ment we ended up in debt. Now before you spit your dummy out I have voted labour for over 20 years I have stood on picket lines also I fought against the poll tax . So I’m old enough and wise enough even though I may make the odd spelling mistake to understand labour and there “Core voters” not your wow I have a £3 card mob. Now the truth is the vast majority of labour strong holds voted out against our weak leadership who voted remain. So before you get condescending please get your facts right. Now here’s one for you labour will never get elected to lead this country with a leftist traitor like Corbyn who rightly has no support from his MP’s and most of the country.
Corbyn has explained his use of the word “friends” – and you’ve managed to take his statement out of context quite easily.
I am indeed old enough to remember what happened in the 1970s. The debt was tied to an oil shock and had very little to do with any policies of Mr Corbyn’s.
If you’re old enough and wise enough to understand Labour’s core voters, you should be welcoming them back to the party.
Ah, but you’re a ‘Leave’ supporter, and you want to make this about the referendum as well.
I think you’re a troll, Mr Burke.
Why would the MP for Pontyprydd be responsible for direct management of the EU Election posters and strategy, and thus the results, in the Vale of Glamorgan…the next County Borough over from where his seat is!
Seems like a weak smear to me. The worst you can say is that he turned up to support the campaign at the event in Barry and stood near a poster which was a bit too subtle.
You’re aware that this was for EU Parliament elections, in which the constituencies are considerably larger than UK general elections?
This was completely stupid.
No one should ever provide political opponents with free political advertising.
Little wonder Farage was so pleased by Smith’s actions!
It seems Smith is insistently building up a catalogue of personal disasters.
He clearly is not yet mature enough to be a political party leader.
It is questionable if he ever will be.
Nothing said about the millions of votes the labour party gave away In the referendum being vast areas who were labour voted out.And who is the so called Labour leader Corbyn I think says a lot of our wonderful leader.
Peter: Corbyn actually persuaded a majority of Labour voters to vote Remain.
Your wonderful leader failed utterly to persuade Tory voters to vote Remain.
Your line of illogic almost matches the combined stupidity of both Farage and Smith.