Now, why would the GMB want to sow doubt about Labour’s party conference?
Bunker mentality: This was the venue for the Conservative conference in Manchester last year – heavily fortified due to fears that some UK citizens might actually get in. There were rooftop snipers too.
Doesn’t it occur to you that a union which supports Owen Smith might want to hinder a Labour Party led by Jeremy Corbyn instead – as it seems increasingly likely we’ll get?
So here’s the GMB, supporting Owen Smith, telling us the party would be breaking its own rules by taking on security firm Showsec without a union agreement in place.
Labour’s NEC has agreed to boycott the Tories’ favourite security firm, G4S, and other companies have allegedly refused to take the contract, making it seem as though Showsec has the party over a barrel.
But Showsec has said it is not opposed to unions, which indicates that this is a storm in a teacup.
In such circumstances, one may be justified in wondering why the GMB has stirred up concern in the way it has.
Labour’s annual conference in Liverpool could be cancelled in a row over security, a trade union has claimed.
The GMB said the refusal by a security company to sign a union agreement was against Labour’s rules.
It is calling on the party to find an alternative contractor for next month’s event to avoid it being “scuppered”.
The company, Showsec, said it was “not anti-unions in any way” and Labour sources said they were confident the conference would go ahead as planned.
But a Labour spokesman said: “We do not comment on commercial arrangements.”
Source: Labour conference could be cancelled in security row, says GMB – BBC News
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why the need to wall oneself off aare they afraid of the peasants
They are afraid of the peasants, we are in the way of their vision of policy which would likely leave the poorest and most vulnerable behind.