Torrent of racist and sexist abuse at UK’s first black woman MP | Pride’s Purge | HIGHLY offensive language

Last Updated: October 8, 2016By


I’ve picked out just a tiny sample of the racist, sexist bullying and disgusting abuse being dished out online to Diane Abbott, the UK’s first black woman MP.

But of course, it’s the Left who are bullies and racists  …

Source: UK TODAY: disgusting torrent of racist and sexist abuse unleashed at UK’s first black woman MP | Pride’s Purge


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  1. annodoremouseblog October 9, 2016 at 3:54 am - Reply

    The clear evidence of her racism is clear in TV broadcasts and in print. She has brought this criticism on herself with her own words

    • Mike Sivier October 9, 2016 at 10:05 am - Reply

      No, it isn’t clear. Even if she did behave in such a manner (and she hasn’t), that would not justify anybody behaving in the same way. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

  2. NMac October 9, 2016 at 7:54 am - Reply

    What is extremely disgraceful and worrying is that racist xenophobia is being openly incited by the government. Shades of 1930s Germany.

  3. rupertrlmitchell October 9, 2016 at 7:55 am - Reply

    Does anyone really believe that any of the above commentators would make a useful contribution to the running of the Labour Party or any other for that matter?

  4. Barry Davies October 9, 2016 at 8:49 am - Reply

    Well if you go through a Facebook page of the far right you will find this sort of bigoted nonsense, on the other hand some of the same people do point out that she actually plays, what the bigots who believe in there being separate races of the human race, rather than just minor ethnic variances, the race card time after time. Bigotry however isn’t just the province of the far right it strides across the full political spectrum from far right to far left.

    • Zippi October 9, 2016 at 3:31 pm - Reply

      Who is it that decided that there were separate races within the human race? This concept goes back hundreds of years. Remember Negroid, Mongoloid, Caucasian etc.? Who classified those? People still talk about different races, hence racism. I don’t what your ethnic background is, or what your experience of racial prejudice is but let me tell you, it is a fact. It is very real and very unpleasant. Non-“white” peoples, the world over, not just in the “West,” have a much harder time of it. They tend to be poorer, their opportunities for economic advancement are limited, curtailed, or non-existent over and above their so-called “white” peers. They are more likely to be in the criminal justice system, are negatively stereotyped; I could go on. You don’t have to like Diane Abbott and personally, I think that she needs to think before she speaks, more often but she does talk a great deal of sense. You don’t have to agree with everything that she says but to imply that her experience of racism is invalid is ill informed, at best and a little unkind. Much of what she says is experienced by many, many people. Being non-“white” and not male makes life, for her, doubly difficult in this society; not impossible but to pretend that she does not have to deal with unnecessary obstacles is to exacerbate the problem that many non-“white” people face on a daily basis. Racism is alive and well, in this country, as those tweets evidence only too well. Sometimes, it is necessary to “play the race card” in order to alert people to the fact that they are being racist when, either they don’t believe that they are, or that racism has died. It is still here, stoked by Political Correctness but it is often clandestine, masked, or perpetrated in secret. It is so much a part of the society of this country that people don’t even notice it, when it is happening. Does she really bring it on herself? Is she really crying wolf? Or are we in a society that believes that those who cry racist, in an apparently civilised society are liars, or at fault?

      • Mike Sivier October 9, 2016 at 4:47 pm - Reply

        I think with Barry’s concerns about “racism” as a word, the problem is one of semantics.
        He says we’re all in the human race so racism is a misnomer.
        Others might say we’re all in the human species, and may be divided into races along the lines you have described in your comment, according to differences in (let’s face it, nothing other than) our appearance.
        It’s all about the words we use to define the issue. My own opinion is that people should not try to use their choice of language in an attempt to deny that the issue is there.
        And let us not forget that racism can happen to anybody. I have a friend from another country who is a white European. Her command of the English language is perfect. Yet she has been subjected to racist abuse. I think it’s important to remember it doesn’t just happen to people who look like Diane Abbott.

  5. Pjay Mac October 9, 2016 at 9:06 am - Reply

    TWITTER “A Racists window to the World” I would really like to discuss Diane’ INTERLECT with the genius who berated Her quite substantial Intellect oops! Sorry INTERLECT so these guys are the product of Tony Blair and New “Labours” Education Education Education “God Help Us” as anyone can see I am no Genius Myself but I was learning when Teachers were that busy belting us or slapping the backs of our heads they didn’t have time to Teach this was the The Glorious 1950′ and the swinging Belt Sixties, this is no excuse for my deficiencies and lack of INTERLECT it is the Truth I will also add not all Teachers were Savages but these Good ones were few and far between.

  6. Sven Wraight October 9, 2016 at 12:54 pm - Reply

    I’m particularly concerned someone can pass themself off as “Jeremy Corbyn MP”.

  7. Zippi October 11, 2016 at 11:57 am - Reply

    I think that it was suggestion that Diane Abbott “plays the race card.” That somehow, her complaints are invalid and that any… “criticism” she has levelled at her, she has visited upon herself. Indeed, racism, as it largely is understood does not happen just to people who look like Diane Abbott, however, the kind of prejudices that people who do look like her are not the same as those that are experienced by people like your “white” friend. I gave an example, some time since, of two persons, one “black” and one “white” sitting at the opposite end of a train carriage from the viewer. The “black” person will automatically be viewed in a negative way, despite being born here. The “white” person has not been born here but how do you know? This is my point. The prejudice that was experienced by your friend, one might say xenophobia, is a result of economic pressures and a feeling of being taken over by “foreigners.” Racial prejudice, especially for “black” persons, happens simply because they ARE and it goes back hundreds of years. Do people who travel Europe feel disgust, or superior to their hosts? Are their European neighbours thought of as backward, stupid, filthy, barbaric, uncivilized, primitive, animalistic…? Do you see my point? It’s not the non-“white” peoples who created the races, or racial classification. Calling what your “white” friend experiences racist, undermines the struggle that non-“white” peoples are still having to endure after centuries. I do sympathise with your friend, nobody should be subjected to such abuse, however, it really isn’t the same thing.

    • Mike Sivier October 12, 2016 at 9:43 am - Reply

      You’re right, in that it isn’t the same thing because the reasons it happens are different.
      The effect, however, is exactly the same.

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