‘Get A Grip’? Jeremy Hunt should get a different JOB after saying NHS must save £22bn
![Jeremy Hunt: Judging from the background, it would appear he lives on the Death Star. This should surprise nobody [Image: Carl Court/Getty Images].](https://voxpoliticalonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/161017-Jeremy-Hunt-Carl-Court-Getty-Images.jpg)
Jeemy Hunt: Judging from the background, it would appear he lives on the Death Star. This should surprise nobody [Image: Carl Court/Getty Images].
So it is with Jeremy Hunt. He wants you to think he’s investing £10 billion in the English NHS. But he needs to cut £22 billion by 2020 (efficiency savings? That’s not even credible as a joke).
Now, I know maths isn’t his strong point, but perhaps one of his assistants could point out to him that this means he’s cutting £12 billion from a service that is already ready to fly apart.
And of course, there’s no sign of the £350 million per week we were all promised if we voted to leave the European Union – probably because we were never paying £350 million into it in the first place.
Now, Labour has a good plan for the NHS – one that would end privatisation, restore its funding and create a modern, integrated healthcare system.
Perhaps Mr Hunt should get out of the way, go home and let Labour sort out his mess for him.
Labour has called on Jeremy Hunt to “get a grip” on NHS funding after the health secretary said he still needs to find billions in efficiency savings by 2020.
On the BBC’s Today Programme Hunt confirmed he was “putting together plans” to find £22bn in efficiency savings by 2020.
Hunt’s words appeared to confirm reports that Theresa May had told health chiefs the NHS would receive no extra money as a result of Brexit.
Labour’s Jonathan Ashworth said the move was “not good enough” and the government needed to “take action”.
“This situation is of the Tories’ own making and it’s about time they woke up and took action to get a grip on this crisis”, he said.
“The Tory government saying there will be no more funding for our NHS simply isn’t good enough.”
Source: Jeremy Hunt Told To ‘Get A Grip’ After Saying NHS Must Find £22bn In Savings | Huffington Post
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hmmm he’s investing £10 billion in the English NHS but whose getting it virgin health or crapita maximus oh dear the right questions again evade those who ask
Its about time that the public and Labour started a concerted effort to question the Toties competency with the public finances.
So if Mama T is saying no money from the Brexit will be allocated to the NHS where is she planning to spend it? Another disaster war, new boat for the Queen, god forbid reinstate benefits for the vulnerable…? The efficiency savings he waffles on about focus on continued privatisation. In other words paying more costs to private companies for worse service and achieving end game of distance from themselves for public services. This Hunt is a complete Con loser.
Please try to understand that there will be NO EXTRA MONEY FOR ANYTHING as a result of Brexit.
As I mentioned previously, the UK makes a profit of around £6.25 billion a year as a member of the EU. When we leave, that money will be gone.
The UK’s contribution to the EU wasn’t £350 million a week, it was £161 million – still not a small amount but less than half of what you were told, and completely swallowed by the losses.
Well as we are a net contributor we get less back than we pay in, there is no free money for the UK form the eu we subsidise the majority of the eu nations. so the profits is not correct. Also as we are still pumping the same amount of money into the economic black hole that is the brussels government of our nation, there is not a single penny to spend on anything. The alleged losses are only the money we are still wasting on this political project.
We were only a net contributor in terms of the money actually given to the EU. Our membership provided huge consequential benefits, and as a result the UK gained around £6.25 billion a year from membership.
I wrote an article explaining it: http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2016/06/14/eu-membership-a-nice-little-earner-for-the-uk/
As we are still in the EU, we are still taking that money. It’s only after we leave that it will disappear.
You seem keen to dispute the figures.
Where are yours?
You seem to be making the same mistake as the project fear remain campaign made that we will have no trade outside the eu and are dependent upon it for that trade. We area net contributor we do not actually gain anything of any sort of value from being a member.
… apart from the £6.25 billion benefit from having migrant workers.
I asked you for your figures, and this is what you gave me.
I think my case is proved. Don’t try to comment back; you’ve had your chance on this.
So migrant workers, if they are working are an advantage although it can also mean that there is another british worker not working to just pretend that every migrant is a, working, b, spending every penny they make here in this country and are a 100% benefit with no provable statistics to back it up is a little strange, after all how does anyone come to this figure, is it just their gross incomes and why are they being traced?
There are provable statistics to back up what I stated (which is not necessarily the same as your suggestion here). Why did you not bother to visit the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration website?
You are also making the common mistake of claiming that all migrants come from the eu, and are working I assume you meant this report https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/287287/occ109.pdf
No I’m not. The research I quoted specifically mentioned EU migrants but that doesn’t mean anybody is claiming all migrants come from the EU.
Well they’ve got to pay for those tax breaks for the rich somehow
Its about time he was put to grass or put down
Couple of questions..
How is the police investigation into alleged Tory election fraud progressing, we need clarity…
Does anyone now the the rules about standing for the position of councillor, can you live outside the area, and can you qualify if you run a business in the town..
Yes, you can qualify if you run a local business. If elected, you’d have to declare an interest if a debate was about something that would affect you personally.
Yes, you can live outside the area – but not far outside it, as I recall. So if you are in a neighbouring ward, you should be fine.
How is this man still in a job???
This is exactly the same as happened with Royal Mail. The private companies can cherry pick the bits that they like, the profitable bits, the bits that don’t cost as much to run, leave the rest of the service thinly resourced and underfunded. When will these people realise that, like rivers, they are entire systems, not bits that can be separated and run independently? Private medicine used to happen WITHIN the N.H.S. The funds stayed in the N.H.S. I know not whose fault is was but Tony Blair’s government certainly did nothing to help.
Why are the majority of Normal Decent People still sitting on their arses and allowing the Tory Destroyers of the NHS and Welfare State lead us meekly into a privatised American owned if you can’t pay you can’t STAY HEALTH System, are we small band of people who write posts on Social Media and in your case and many others Mike compose hard hitting blogs sometimes not hard enough but always Valid, I cannot believe that the most part of the UK are allowing these Tory Barbarians dismantle the Greatest gift ever Bestowed on the Poor and Needy of any Nation anywhere in this corrupt World, can it be the case that the majority of this country are in fact Uber Rich, Very Very Very Rich, Very Very Rich, Very Rich, or just plain rolling in it that they can afford to turn a blind eye to the Destruction of the NHS and all this claptrap about free at the point of entry absolute guff, NI deductions should by law be going to subsidise the NHS, if the portion of National Insurance money gathered from the wage deductions is not going to the NHS where is it going. “Answers on a Postcard Please to Jeremy Hunt and the Private HEALTH Companies Huge Big Mansion Stinking Rich Avenue The Cayman Islands”
The dental health service is a good example of how it will likely end up. Although things have improved in recent years when the dental services were meddled with the resulting bedlam of trying to scrabble for registration with the few remaining NHS Dentists was a bun fight. Fine if you had the money to pay privately but many folk now cannot even afford the modest NHS charges and end up not attending a NHS dentist until their dental problem is unbearable or are admitted in the A&E. it’s just another step into the have and have nots cycle.
I was talking to a dentist 15 years ago about the amount of monies he received form the government per treatment, and the amount of money he was making was mere pennies from each treatment, not enough to actually pay to maintain his surgery, and the costs of the materials needed were increasing, he showed me a couple of invoices for the same materials, the government deliberately forced Dentists into private practice by underfunding, does this sound familiar to anyone looking at the hospital and G.P. provision?