Will these scandals really bring the Conservative Party down?

Last Updated: March 13, 2017By

The scandals facing the Conservative Government are no laughing matter for Theresa May – which may be exactly why she made such an exhibition of ill-judged humour last Wednesday.

Bearing in mind the extraordinary ability of the right-wing media to support Conservatives, no matter how stupid their behaviour, This Writer doubts that any of the scandals listed below will cause them much harm.

For the full details, read the source article or search the subject matter on This Site’s search dialogue.

1. Surrey Sweetheart deal
2. Theresa May’s blatant lies in PMQ’s about the Surrey sweetheart deal
3. UN investigating the Tory party for breaking disability laws
4. Tory Election Fraud
5. Tory whistleblowers speak out about Tory expenses

Source: 5 Tory scandals HAPPENING NOW that will bring them down

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  1. Justin March 13, 2017 at 2:40 am - Reply

    what else is missing

    money spent on riot control vehicles for london we never use.
    Minister’s hide coroner’s recomendation report
    350 million a week into the nhs
    Panama how we did a good deal on tax evasion?
    another good deal for britain,don’t get to google eyed about that
    All suicides and self- harm incidents are nothing to do with our policies there causal behaviour.
    Our wca assessors are mental health trained, saveguarding trained, nurse trained,all in 5 weeks why do we need training courses that last three years at least contact the DWP centre of excellence for details

    feel free to add to the list More tory lies, then again this is normalised behaviour they don’t know the truth any more.

    • Barry Davies March 13, 2017 at 12:48 pm - Reply

      Well the £350 million is still going to the eu, maybe if cameron had triggered article 50, or better still revoked the european communities act on day one it wouldn’t be. Not all suicides are down to government policies, so you haven’t just stuck to actualities.

      • Mike Sivier March 13, 2017 at 10:38 pm - Reply

        We have never sent as much as £350 million a week to the EU.

      • Justin March 13, 2017 at 11:29 pm - Reply

        350 million a week was what they had on the pretty red bus of lies with the glowing faces of pretty tory mp’s,i don’t need to mention there names, they used it as a logo and they have a expectation to keep up to or is this just another lie that is the tory party

        • Mike Sivier March 14, 2017 at 12:33 am - Reply

          We all know what was on the bus; it was always a lie.

  2. NMac March 13, 2017 at 8:17 am - Reply

    They certainly should do, but the Tory Establishment will always look after its own.

  3. John March 13, 2017 at 9:36 am - Reply

    That’s rather revealing Mike! You now think that that the Tory Election Fraud won’t end the Govt do you? Do you know something the rest of us don’t?
    Or is it just a cynical hunch?

    • Mike Sivier March 13, 2017 at 11:58 am - Reply

      That’s not what I’m saying at all.
      I’m trying to see what readers think.

      • Justin March 13, 2017 at 1:21 pm - Reply

        how else do you think they get voted, it cannot be because there liked

      • John March 14, 2017 at 8:48 am - Reply

        Sorry Mike, perhaps you could explain something for me then:

        “Bearing in mind the extraordinary ability of the right-wing media to support Conservatives, no matter how stupid their behaviour,
        – This Writer —- doubts that any of the scandals listed below will cause them much harm.”

        I always thought “This Writer” was you?????

        Whenever you refer to a another article, are you actually referring to THAT writer?

        • Mike Sivier March 14, 2017 at 1:24 pm - Reply

          And do you not know the difference between doubt and disbelief, John?

  4. rupertrlmitchell March 13, 2017 at 10:01 am - Reply

    These “gentlemen’s and gentlewoman’s agreements are rarely made between authentic ones.

  5. Barry Davies March 13, 2017 at 12:50 pm - Reply

    The real scandals are the governments anti vulnerable and health care policies by cutting budgets for health care and social care but as ever the mass media prefers to dwell on trivialities like sturgeons rant about Scotland needing to be the senior partner in the UK.

  6. Dave Rowlands March 13, 2017 at 2:51 pm - Reply

    So, err, “Donald Trump”

  7. Signortbf March 13, 2017 at 5:54 pm - Reply


    Unlikely any would alone, collectively they might.

    The danger is something will become the straw that breaks the camel’s back & also that the most of the 52% who voted leave are now expecting ‘someone’ to do something about it pdq.

    And she has the responsibility for it, because whatever happens re Brexit happens on HER watch, nobody else’s.

    Same with anything on Tory Election fraud-if anything comes of it, again, it’s on her watch; don’t forget the damage MP’s expenses did to Gordon Brown, even if most of the criminal activity was in Blair’s time as PM.

    The other danger to her-complacency, as in the way key Tory voter blocks have been attacked by this latest Budget, perhaps thinking they’ve nowhere else to go. Seem to’ve heard that one before somewhere?


  8. mrmarcpc March 17, 2017 at 4:53 pm - Reply

    It should but it won’t as the British people don’t seem to care about the mess the tories are creating, everything’s a shambles and the British public don’t seem to give a toss, that’s why we’re all in a huge pile of horse**** and are laughed at by the rest of the world, especially Europe!

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