Is this Tory candidate’s opinion on rape held by his entire party?

Cuthbertson said a woman’s ‘promiscuity’ was relevant in determining how likely it was that she consented to sex in alleged rape cases [Image: Leon Neal/Getty Images].
It doesn’t matter a jot whether a woman is promiscuous or not with consensual sex – if she doesn’t consent and is forced into the act, that’s rape.
Anyone standing for Parliament should be clear on that.
Likewise with his opinions on homosexuality – at least we can be sure he is not in line with many of his party colleagues on that.
And anybody’s sexual history is their own personal business.
Mr Cuthbertson’s behaviour disgraces himself and his party.
A Conservative candidate in a key marginal seat has said a woman’s “promiscuity” is relevant in determining how likely it is that she consented to sex in alleged rape cases.
Peter Cuthbertson, who is seeking election as the Tory candidate in Darlington, expressed a series of controversial views in a prominent blog he wrote in the early 2000s.
He praised a “courageous priest jailed in Sweden for preaching against homosexuality” and wrote several blogposts about rape claims, including one arguing against proposals to make men prove they obtained consent before sex and restrictions on bringing up a woman’s sexual history in court.
Source: Tory candidate’s blogposts on rape ‘absolutely shocking’ | UK news | The Guardian
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A lot of rape victims feel like they have no control because it has been taken from them. Some victims will use sex to avoid rejection and/or to gain acceptance and safety, especially victims of trauma in their childhood.
I stand by my theory that the Tories really don’t want to win, after all why would the EU do a deal with someone who being snubbed by the people who are to be making the deal, Corbyn on the other hand has friends and supporters in Europe I think even those who might not like him, trust him!!!
In response to the question is this candidates opinion held by the entire conservative party the answer is simply no, but it could easily be held by members of any and all political parties, so perhaps we should imprison every card holding member of any political party just in case. The eu would deal with anyone, they are not fussy, after all they just let Trump outflank them by cancelling the TTIP talks then indicating he may think about restarting them meaning he eu rushes off to try to get him to negotiate giving him a mountain to stand on over their valley, an incredible simple business move by Trump which has entirely outflanked the eu simpletons.
As my membership of a political party is currently suspended, I wouldn’t be affected if they were all arrested – but you should remember the UK system is based on innocence until guilt is proven.