Parkinson’s sufferer told she is fit to work | Newark Advertiser
A woman suffering from Parkinson’s and a brain tumour has been told she will no longer receive a vital benefit because she has been ruled fit enough to work.
Miss Julia Leek, 46, of Fairfield Avenue, Farndon, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s three years ago and says it has become progressively worse.
“It affects my everyday life. It affects my walking. I can’t stand or sit for any length of time and I shiver and shake badly,” she said.
Source: Parkinson’s sufferer told she is fit to work | Newark Advertiser
Sadly happening every day nothings changed but the name over the door
I have been diagnosed with dementia and put straight into the support group so why not this lady?, as she also has a form of Dementiia. This is a disgrace.
I take this section :- “He said the current test was not fit for purpose and did not take into account the progressive, fluctuating nature of Parkinson’s or the impact of pain or fatigue caused by it.” I now make the following comment:- The test is obviously not fit for the purpose but not nearly so unfit as those responsible for administering the DWP.
Just how this department is going to be allowed to get away with this disgusting ideology is beyond my comprehension.
She is not alone, I personally took a 64 year old male who has had parkinson’s for the past five years to his assessment as he can not drive anymore.
I went in before him and spoke with his assessor a Polish lady, I explained he can not read nor write and nor could he even hold a knife and fork.
He is a danger to himself even holding a boiling kettle as he shakes so badly, she said she would take this on board, I left and sent him in.
Much to my despair three weeks later he received a letter saying he was fit for work, this poor man lives alone with no help from anyone, he asked me to come over and read what it said.
My blood boiled when I read it, this man had milked cows his entire life never had one day off or a holiday and this at 64 years of age is how he was treated.
I rang the DWP on his behalf and started the conversation in a calm manner, after several minutes I blew, the woman on the other end I could hear shaking, but I was not allowing this to happen to this poor man.
I asked her to put herself in his position and does she have a husband and could this happen to either of them. Do you have a conscience or do you do everything IDS tells you to do that is pure evil. This poor man is five months of retirement does that not have some impact.
After a lengthy heated discussion she said she would see what could do. I thanked her and two weeks later he was put on ESA support group, it should not have happened,
I feel upset for this poor woman going through the same hoops now and wish her all the best to a successful outcome after common sense prevails.
Experience tells us that nobody should go into a work capability assessment on their own; the DWP automatically marks them ‘fit for work’, no matter what their condition.
It would have been better if you had stayed with this man throughout the medical assessment.
The 64yo man should have been awarded 100% Pension Guarantee Credit as the pension age escalator is currently at 62 and a half years.
Thanks for that I have actually sorted his pension and the guarantee part for him as he really needs it.
even when your dead your fit enough for work, if they could make slaves out of ghosts they would.