National press coverage for latest petition highlighting DWP failures
The Tories are still reeling from campaign that revealed more than 2,500 people died after being found fit for work.
Now the same activists who pushed for those figures have a new target in their sights.
Mike Sivier and Maggie Zolobajluk – who recruited a quarter of a million people in their last campaign – want the Tories to reform benefit sanctions.
A damning report by the Commons Work and Pensions Committee attacked the system in March and recommended 26 urgent reforms.
Six months have passed and not one of the reforms has happened.
The campaigners are now demanding two of the most desperate changes are put in place immediately, followed by the other 24.
They are a full review of sanctions, and for hardship payments to be handed out the day someone has their benefits withdrawn, not many days later.
Well done Mike and Maggie. Keep at ’em.
how about sanctioning MPs when they’re not in Parliament and not doing the job that
WE pay THEM for.
instead they are spending OUR money murdering innocent people who have had the misfortune to fall on hard times.
its got to stop,and this fascist scum brought to justice.
Keep it up Mike and Maggie, new petitions should be created to make them release the true figures, the truth must be told!
It was my Freedom of Information request that forced the release of what figures have come out – the petition was necessary to bring it to public attention and back the Conservatives into a corner.