SNP’s Phil Boswell investigated over financial claims
First there was Michelle Thomson, then Natalie McGarry, and now Phil Boswell has been accused of financial irregularities. All are SNP members of Parliament.
Coincidence? Or what?
Phil Boswell, the SNP MP, is to be investigated by the parliamentary commissioner for standards after claims that he breached rules over the registration of financial interests.
Boswell – who represents the Coatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill constituency – is one of the wave of first-time SNP members who swept into Westminster after May’s election.
Source: SNP’s Phil Boswell investigated over financial claims | Politics | The Guardian
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Where do they find these people with such low integrity? Not a good start for a brand new party to be stained by so many of these types so early in their parties development.
The SNP is not brand new. It has been around for many decades.
I may be wrong but I seem to remember the Coatbridge and Bellshill area to be a solid Labour Seat along with Motherwell and Airdrie . Quite amazing that the SNP managed to win it. Also was there not a scandal of some kind there before? Do not know or remember what it was but enough of one for the media down here to pick up. Mind you my area is Rank Tory so may have been blown up then. Funny how some snippets stick in the mind over the years.
Mike, you really need to keep up with the times rather than simply soaking in the articles recycling old news, which will go on until the May Scottish Election. We are in the first week of the year and today there were 3 such articles in the press. Maybe their so-called journalists were still sobering up and hadn’t time to find real news.
This story was printed by the Express in early December, based on complaint from a defeated Lib Dem candidate, which speaks volumes.
In order to make it sound like a serious enough story to bash the SNP, the papers use headlines that assume he will be found guilty. The SNP looked into it at the time and have stated that Boswell has done nothing wrong. In the cases of two other MPs, neither of which have yet been proven or otherwise, they acted swiftly.
Before he was elected, Boswell used to work for a company that used “legal tax avoidance schemes” that applied to his contract. The SNP and Boswell speak out against “tax evasion”, which is illegal, so he is not as hypocritical as the press make out, even if you and I may frown upon any tax being avoided.
I know you will continue with your anti-SNP posts, backing the Mail, Express and Herald to the hilt, right up until May and probably thereafter too, but it does get boring when someone keeps on re-posting propaganda without doing any research.
Oh, the SNP looked into it and found he’d done nothing wrong?
How reassuring.
Considering IPSA’s reputation, even if Boswell is cleared after the current investigation, there will still be a question-mark over his name.
At least the SNP have the integrity to suspend their MPs who there is doubt about. Maybe you should direct some of your venom against some of the less savoury members of other parties who are not only left in their positions but openly praised by their leadership.