Cameron to ‘press’ EU leaders into supporting his persecution of migrants

Last Updated: January 29, 2016By

David Cameron (left) and Martin Schulz, president of the European parliament. What are they so happy about? [Image: Kirsty Wigglesworth/PA].

David Cameron is working very hard to make immigrants who have come to the UK into second-class citizens.

Today we learn that he is to “press” other EU leaders into accepting his demand that migrants be stripped of in-work benefits and child benefit for up to four years after their arrival here.

This defeats the point of tax credits, which exist to help people who make a positive contribution to the UK economy – as anybody who works here does.

By spending the money they earn, they lubricate the economy and help it to grow – the cash gains economic value as it passes from one person to another, and more such value is created if it starts its journey among those earning the least.

David Cameron does not understand this. He does not realise that his planned persecution will not stop people coming to the UK but will certainly harm their economic effectiveness.

He might be on more solid ground if he concentrated on child benefit. It has been claimed that migrants don’t use this money but send it back to their original home, to support family members there. That isn’t the intention of the benefit and, if it is being misused, access to it may rightly be denied.

As it is, he is simply trying to induct the rest of the EU into his cruelty.

David Cameron has signalled that he will press for further concessions from Brussels after playing down evidence of a breakthrough in his effort to stop EU citizens claiming welfare on arrival in the UK.

The prime minister said he was encouraged by signals from the European commission that it was prepared to offer new “emergency brake” powers to allow the UK to ban migrants from within the EU from claiming working family tax credits and child benefit for up to four years.

But, speaking to BBC Scotland after his flight from Aberdeen to see the commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, in Brussels was delayed by Storm Gertrude, Cameron said there was still a long way to go before he would agree a deal.

Source: Cameron says he will push EU for better deal over migrant benefits | Politics | The Guardian

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  1. Nick January 29, 2016 at 1:34 pm - Reply

    if they were stripped of in work benefits how would they be able to live ? it would not be possible with a high rent to pay and not working through illness even the loss of tax credits would cause an inconvenience ?

    the whole family would be left high and dry on the street after 3 months then what ? their death ? their deportation ?

  2. Nick January 29, 2016 at 1:39 pm - Reply

    the government other EU ministers should not even be engaging with any talks with the likes of David Cameron who like Donald trump is a destroyer of people and their hopes

    the world has gone mad and that my friends leaves the door wide open for extremest groups to flourish who would never even exist if the likes of myself were in power and throughout the EU / USA

  3. loobitzh January 29, 2016 at 5:01 pm - Reply

    If migrants/refugees, choose to help their families who are suffering abroad by sending them cash, then I really dont understand how this could be considered ‘Wrong’ or a misuse of the money?!!.

    One could argue its not the allowance they are sending to their families, but part of their wages? could be overtime money, as they all work really hard.

    • Mike Sivier January 29, 2016 at 5:07 pm - Reply

      That would be very hard to justify. Child Benefit is to help children in the UK, not abroad.

  4. roybeiley January 29, 2016 at 6:28 pm - Reply

    How can “other” European leaders see Cameron as anything other than a vain, selflserving bullying tosspot? He and Donald Tusk and possibly Juncker are devising a “fitup” that they think will fool all of us into believing that he is a diplomatic genius. Hitler thought he was a Military genius and just look what happened to him and his ideas.

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