Nearly 14,000 disabled people have mobility cars taken away by the Conservatives

Last Updated: February 4, 2016By

The Motability Scheme allows disabled people to lease a new car, scooter or powered wheelchair with the help of government funding.

Oh, it’s very cute, this.

You see, removing a person’s Motability vehicle removes their ability to – for example – get to the shops.

It means they may be isolated in their homes.

It means they won’t be able to appeal against the decision because they won’t be able to attend any appeal hearing.

But the Conservative Government can say they had the opportunity to appeal and the opportunity to attend; they just didn’t take it.

If you look, there are probably stories of such cases already.

It’s just another example of Tory chequebook euthanasia.

Nearly 14,000 disabled people who rely on a specialist motoring allowance have had their cars taken away from them following government welfare changes.

Figures seen by the BBC show almost half of those having to be reassessed for this support under the changes lost their Motability vehicle.

Many had been adapted to meet their owners’ needs and campaigners warn it could lead to a loss of independence.

But the government says the new process is fairer and people can appeal.

Source: Nearly 14,000 disabled people have mobility cars taken away – BBC News

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  1. Nick February 4, 2016 at 12:16 am - Reply

    words fail me mike i’m sure if we had the strength to leave the country we would as living in the UK is far from ideal and in reality a living hell

  2. Samuel Miller (@Hephaestus7) February 4, 2016 at 1:38 am - Reply

    According to the DWP, Motability have agreed that the majority of people leaving the scheme following PIP reassessment will be eligible for a one-off payment of £2,000, which will help ensure their mobility needs continue to be met.

    That statement is disingenuous because that one-off payment will eventually be depleted.

  3. foggy February 4, 2016 at 2:30 am - Reply

    The BBC bias strikes again. Piss poor journalism whereby they can’t be bothered to do a fact check and give the impression it’s easy money;

    ‘Under DLA, most people completed their own application form and did not have to reapply once entered into the scheme’. – WRONG !!
    Apart from low percentage of ‘Indefinite Awards’ every DLA award has an end date whereby the claimant has to reapply, and go through the whole process again, if they think they’re still eligible.

    ‘With PIPs, everyone – new applicants and those already in receipt of DLA – will have to attend a face-to-face assessment by government-hired private companies’ – WRONG AGAIN !! Many claimants have been awarded PIP via a ‘Paper-based Assessment’ due to supplying enough substantial written medical evidence from Specialists etc

    The process of having to reapply when an ward is near it’s end date and having to gain supporting medical evidence is utterly overwhelming and causes unwarranted distress. Also, the amount of PIP appeals being overturned in favour of the claimant is sky rocketing. The only people gaining anything from this farce is the private contractors who blatantly lie in their reports for their 30 pieces of silver.

    Anyone with an upcoming PIP assessment should buy themselves 2 x audio cassette recorders and inform the DWP and the assessing company that you will be audio recording the assessment, as per your rights – here from page 42 onwards;

    It is a well known fact that assessors tend to behave, be more respectful to the claimant and write a more honest picture in their reports when an assessment is audio recorded.

  4. John February 4, 2016 at 8:06 am - Reply

    So, how disabled do you have to be to qualify for one of these then? Given the fact that the scheme has been around for years.

  5. Terry Davies February 4, 2016 at 8:58 am - Reply

    appeals if taken up require an advocate which many disabled people cant acquire.
    if the appeals were taken up costs of panels sitting in the tribunal capacity would add significant costs to implementing the system
    Is this why claimants are being charged for tribunal cases? No legal aid is provided to my understanding. comments welcome.

  6. NMac February 4, 2016 at 9:03 am - Reply

    The Nasty Party gets nastier and more vindictive every day.

  7. Mr.Angry February 4, 2016 at 9:36 am - Reply

    Yet we can afford to bomb Syria and run trident and plan for HS2 these poor souls, what have we become?

  8. Christine Bergin February 4, 2016 at 9:41 am - Reply

    Thr banks making a fortune backing Motability cant be very happy then. Never mind the fact that they now have a lot of used cars, they cant now use DLA to make more money. I Have been told they offer to sell the vehicle if you (the former user) can afford to buy it.
    Very subtle money making scam guaranteed by the tax payer,

  9. Jonno R February 7, 2016 at 8:53 am - Reply

    It’s a complete farce! I can’t walk more than a few steps. At the ATOS assessment My doctors letters were ignored, my advocates objections to what the assessor was typing were met with dirty looks. The entire thing took 20 minutes and every answer that the assessor put down was a lie, she even deduced that if I can drive a car I must be able to cook a meal and take my medications on time. She did not sumerise her findings at the end of the meeting as she should have done but when I made a formal complaint to ATOS they replied with a load of rubbish about how highly proffessional she was but refused to comment on the areas where she did not follow procedures in the PIP guidelines and ignored the medical diagnosis she made. So a nurse superseded my consultants expert opinion. I went from high rate DLA to 0 points on PIP. I am now isolated, hungry and cold as the DLA payments I had been receiving for the extra heating and laundry I need has stopped and my car was taken away so I cannot get to the shops or do anything to fight back.

    The £2000 payment is only paid to people returning their own car. If you can’t walk so can’t get home after taking it to the dealership they will collect it for you and you lose the £2000

    I lost the mandatory reconsideration because I had not used the correct jargon in my appeal. Then they called and asked me not to apply for a tribunal as they were going to have a second look at my application. Two weeks later a letter came informing me that this second look was informal and was unlikely to have any effect on my claim, and that now I had missed the deadline for a tribunal appeal.

    These liars and cheats from ATOS should be charged for abuse of office and the DWP should be closed down for entering into a contract with a company that has such a terrible record of abuse. The staff and management of the DWP are all joining in with IDS’s and have adopted a cripple bashing culture that extends to discrimination of disabled workers within the organisation itself. It has wasted more than it has saved with its bullying and cheating strategies and is not fit for purpose.

    PIP is a joke and it is a waste of time filling in the forms. If you state that you cannot do a task the assessor simply writes “I have decided that you can do the task” but they don’t initiate a fraud investigation which they should do if they believe you lied in the application. They know what they are doing and the harm they will cause and do not care. I just hope that there will be criminal charges brought against the individuals who implement these policies with such enthusiasm that they are potentially committing murder. I hope justice will prevail. If not we have lost all there ever was to be proud of in Britain and become a piss pot little rock with a despot leadership that abuses human rights for money.

    Disabled people are often tax paying, hard working people who had a very bad day which changed their life. They are not a group of scroungers and layabouts. I did not chose to leave a 70k job and luxury riverside apoartment to subjugate myself to some idiot in a Jobcentre to put some food on the table.

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