Tories in open warfare over legal status of Cameron’s EU deal – and the joke’s on them all because it’s pointless

Last Updated: February 26, 2016By

David Cameron launches the Conservatives In campaign in London [Image: Alex B Huckle/Getty].

This is a storm in a teacup because the issue is utterly irrelevant.

It doesn’t matter if Tory ‘Out’ campaigners think Cameron’s agreement has no weight in law – not if Cameron, the UK government, the EU and the governments of all its member states are committed to treating it that way. And they are.

This story does signify a welcome change, in that the ‘lame-stream’ media are now admitting that the Tories are fighting each other.

And those of us in the know can appreciate that they are making fools of themselves, arguing over a meaningless technicality.

Open warfare has broken out in Conservative ranks over the legal status of David Cameron’s EU deal after leading out campaigner Michael Gove claimed that it could be overruled by the European court of justice.

Downing Street responded to the justice secretary’s intervention by organising statements from senior lawyers to rebut his claims, including from Jeremy Wright, the attorney general, and Dominic Grieve, his predecessor as the government’s chief law officer.

Conservative out campaigners went on to release their own legal opinions stating Cameron’s negotiated settlement was worthless in law, with Dominic Raab, a justice minister in the leave camp, suggesting it had less value than a guarantee for a new dishwasher.

Source: EU referendum: Tories in open warfare over legal status of Cameron deal | Politics | The Guardian

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  1. mohandeer February 26, 2016 at 4:21 am - Reply

    The truth is that any agreement will not be ratified, if at all, before 2019 and then only if it is accepted by all member states in a general assembly vote. It’s doubtful that any agreement he has reached, which is meaningless until it can be ratified, will be implemented with immediate effect. Until such time it’s hot air. Cameron is a fool or he thinks the British people are(far more likely given his contempt for the truth and us, the mindless masses). He has gained nothing, despite his claims to the contrary. Anyone who thinks otherwise has been successfully duped – welcome to Dave’s club of mindless masses whichever camp your in.
    I’m not happy with the EU as it is, not least because it has allowed the US to militarise NATO to wage it’s proxy war against Russia. The figures regarding the Brits who have moved to the EU overlooks the fact that by far the most popular destination for EU members is the UK rather than the Brits all going to Germany or France or Spain, all of which can absorb the 2 million British emigrates. The EU is undemocratic for sure but we can only effect change if we remain in. Once firmly in the Brexit camp I have weighed the pros and cons and have come to the conclusion that we are indeed, better off in than out. There’s so much to hate about the EU but not enough to persuade me to leave. The UK cannot exist in splendid isolation, precisely because of the current Tory austerity economic and fiscal policies and the fact that we are no longer an Imperialist Empire any more with little or no ability to compete against emerging labour markets such as India, China and the Indo/Asian export countries. The only thing I really will stick out against is the US Trade Agreement – the TTIP. Let the corporate owned governments advocate for enriching themselves but not the UK. I would campaign against the TTIP because the evidence against such a partnership is overwhelmingly in the US interests and NOT the EU. Certain EU membership states have shown themselves to be spiteful, irresponsible and petty. That will not change for the better if we leave. We can destroy the monopoly of the big six energy corporations fleecing us if we begin trading with Russia’s Nordstream and Gazprom giants which the EU cannot stop us from doing even in the EU as Germany has already proven. That also works better for us if we are in. Cameron has done Britain a disservice with his petty arguments on immigration and misrepresenting the facts surrounding the issue. I understand why so many people want out, but it is an illusion fostered by the likes of UKIP propaganda who distort the facts just as much as Tories do. Don’t fall for it as I did for so long.

    • Mike Sivier February 26, 2016 at 11:07 am - Reply

      The arrangement at the moment is very clear: If the vote on June 23 is ‘Remain’, then Cameron’s renegotiated deal becomes the terms under which the UK remains an EU member. If it is ‘Leave’, then he starts the exit process immediately and the UK’s membership lapses in 2018 (the two year wait is to allow us to change relevant treaties. There will be no delay in these processes, whichever is triggered.
      Your argument about emigration/immigration ignores the fact that the UK uses the free movement pillar of EU membership more than any other country – but I see you yourself disagree with Cameron’s “petty” arguments in this regard.
      I certainly agree about TTIP.

  2. David Woods February 26, 2016 at 8:58 am - Reply

    Question should really be just what ‘nasties’ is Cameron sliding in under this ‘smokescreen’!
    There wouldn’t be this much smoke if something real nasty wasn’t being slid our way!

  3. Dez February 26, 2016 at 9:21 am - Reply

    When it comes to voting decisions the Camoron has a long history of porkies and gilding the lily.

  4. Barry February 26, 2016 at 3:53 pm - Reply

    Unfortunately for the so called agreements that cameron has allegedly obtained, they first have to to be agreed by all the 27 other states, and there is already voices being raised against benefits payments especially in the eastern nations, so it is not a certainty that anything will be accepted, also there will by necessity need to be a treaty change, which opens the possibility of referenda in Spain France and Ireland in particular. Cameron is rightly being considered in the same light as Chamberlain waving his piece of paper claiming peace in our time, however Chamberlain wasn’t fooled in the same way, he had actually bought us time to begin arming ourselves cameron has bought nothing.

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