Plaid Cymru claims Wales is crying out for new leadership – BBC News

Last Updated: March 4, 2016By


One wonders what kind of “new leadership” Ms Wood thinks she can offer.

She says the NHS is a key priority for Plaid. Putting aside the fact that she represents a party that wants Wales to split from the UK – creating a new country that wouldn’t necessarily be able to afford the NHS in its current form – what exactly is wrong with what the Labour Welsh Government has been doing?

Cancer survival rates are higher than in England, as is spending on the NHS in Wales.

Labour had to prioritise life-threatening conditions after the Tory-led Westminster government started cutting funding in a bid to discredit the UK’s last Labour-run region. But spending has now been re-structured to accommodate the vindictiveness of the Conservative Party.

So, what does Ms Wood think she’d do in a Plaid Welsh Government? Take credit for Labour’s work?

Wales is “crying out for new leadership” after 17 years of Labour rule, Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood has said.

She dismissed suggestions the assembly election in May was a two-way contest between Labour and the Tories.

Speaking before her party’s conference in Llanelli, Ms Wood stressed the NHS as a key priority for Plaid Cymru.

She rejected the idea of a coalition with the Tories, but said she was ruling out nothing else.

“Real change does not come about easily and it does not come about often, but Wales is now at a tipping point,” she said.

Source: Plaid Cymru claims Wales is crying out for new leadership – BBC News

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  1. Terry Davies March 5, 2016 at 8:01 am - Reply

    meeting my anticipations as the division of the UK looms on the political horizon. United Ireland is clearly the best way forward to stop bombings.

  2. Florence March 5, 2016 at 4:48 pm - Reply

    Plaid in general, and Woods in particular are a cause without a rebel, let alone a policy to wave a stick at.

  3. mohandeer March 12, 2016 at 11:41 am - Reply

    I think she meant to say Plaid Cymru needs new leadership. Her ineptitude and lack of clear cut policy differences from the Labour Party in Wales left most people wondering what she actually represented for the Welsh peoples.

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